What Good Feedback Really Looks Like

Vartika Kashyap
The Helm
Published in
4 min readJul 17, 2019

When my employees at ProofHub do something effective or outperform, I make sure to recognize their efforts and reward them accordingly. You know when did I realize this — when my employees stayed late to finish their project, even though they knew I did not demand them to stay late. Every time I discover that the projects have been completed ahead of schedule, I thank them in front of the entire office. This brings an incredible uptake in their enthusiasm and pride in the workplace.

Some people are encouraged by a pat on the back, others by a kick in the pants. But each one is important. The right balance is what matters.

Pat on the back:

“You worked really hard”, “I am impressed how you worked through mistakes to get it done.’’ Experienced or inexperienced, a pat on the back makes them feel satisfied, not fired up.

Kick in the pants:

A pat on the back feels good but telling them what they’re doing is wrongas long as it helps them improve, should not hurt. Let your “kick in the pants” not be offending but inspiring.

Employees are more likely to learn and grow when they receive immediate feedback that is specific, targeted at their development and able to be put into practice right away.” — Gallup’s 2017 State of the American Workplace report.

The Purpose of Feedback

The actual goal of feedback — even negative feedback — should be to come to a point where you communicate well the understanding, expectations, and appreciation (wherever needed).

We love ProofHub. It is a collaboration tool we can use to appreciate. There is a dedicated space — ProofHub announcements — to practice employee recognition and appreciation. Just add an announcement every time you want to appreciate someone, the entire team sees it pop in the announcements section on ProofHub. Make announcements that grab the attention.

ProofHub announcements are great for:

  • Sharing important information with everyone
  • Employee appreciation
  • Updating everyone with some news
  • Giving a heads up at upcoming launches

Make announcements and share updates. Try ProofHub!

All in all, employees who are given feedback are more engaged, productive, and stay longer with the company. But you want to make sure you cover these key things when giving feedback.

  • What the employee did and how they did it.
  • How it affected the team and the company.
  • How to maintain positive outcomes or work to solve negative ones.

When to Give Feedback

Being a feedback fanatic is not crazy. When you are the leader, you’ll have to address the people you work with at some point or at every point. Here are some instances where your feedback is needed, look for if you’re not running away from these situations.

  • When an employee exceeds goals

Be specific while giving feedback when your employee exceeds the expected goal. This will show that you understand with the struggle, and it’s about the purpose too.

  • When an employee goes the extra mile

Thank them for the extra effort and time they’ve put into the project that made a big difference.

  • When an employee helps a coworker

You’re happy with how your employees help the new hires by explaining them the process in a simple and easy to understand way.

  • When an employee takes initiative

They took a step, you should too take a step to tell them how their step saved a lot of time, money, and difficulties in the long run.

Some Other Instances

  • If an employee didn’t deliver the project on time

Well, this could be disappointing. Try to know what happened and help them find a solution to make sure the projects are delivered on time.

Pro tip: ProofHub is packed with all the features your teams need to plan, collaborate, organize, and deliver projects on time.

  • If an employee has poor time management

At first, this habit can frustrate you but your feedback should include strategies that work for them to optimize their time.

Switch from poor time management to good time management with ProofHub’s time tracking software today!

  • If an employee seems disengaged

Show your employees that you want them to grow and try new things. Work together to set up a time to discuss their roles and responsibilities to make sure every employee is engaged.

  • If an employee messed up with a coworker

Here you’ve got to do some conflict resolution. If your employees are not well into open communication, maybe you can encourage them for open communication to address small issues at the right time.

What Does Good Feedback Look Like?

Try it for yourself! The power of feedback for your company culture is clear. It will make your people feel empowered and appreciated.

On the other hand, your business will thrive. It’s on you to choose the way of feedback. I say, get the balance right! What do you think?

Thank you for reading this, before you go

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Vartika Kashyap
The Helm

Chief Marketing Officer@ProofHub. Featured writer on LinkedIn. Contributor at Elearning Industry, Dzone, Your Story and Business.com.