Your Boss Wants To Meet With You? Here’s What You Do

Your boss wants to meet and you think you’re in trouble. I’ll give you a manager’s perspective on how to approach this meeting.

Chris Bergen
The Helm


Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

Your boss has asked you to meet with them, and you don’t know what to expect. Maybe they asked something vague like “can I talk to you for a minute?”, or sent you a calendar invite with a subject like “quick chat” or “update”. Perhaps they’ve let you know that it’s about an assignment you’ve submitted, but it’s still vague and you’re worried. Or maybe you’ve called in sick one too many times or done something inappropriate and you’re sure you are in trouble. These meetings are a normal part of office-life and are a critical role for the manager, so don’t be alarmed — you’re not in this alone.

If you enter this meeting with the right mindset and preparation, you’ll come out better than you were when you went in.

In my experience as a manager, I’ve held countless meetings like this with my staff (I’ve also been on the other side more than once). In this article, I’m going to draw from my experience to help you get through this meeting in good shape.

The Concept of ‘Skill Versus Will’



Chris Bergen
The Helm

Award-winning manager | Top Writer in Leadership and contributor at The Startup, The Helm and more | I’m into 80’s metal, Sci-Fi and Fitness 🤟🏼