100 Play Reviews Milestone

Varun Torka
The HereNow Blog
Published in
1 min readApr 1, 2015

Thanks for all the love, people! We crossed 100 reviews on Google Play this past weekend with an average rating of 4.68. Teams tend to get affectionate towards the product they are building and it is good to have continuous external validation of our work.

HereNow is on a mission to build stronger local communities which will add value to everyone’s lives. At HereNow, we take feedback very seriously, and we always ask our users what can we be doing better? Why is our rating 4.68 and not 5 ?! So if you, our readers and users, have any opinion or feedback to share, please do use the “Feedback” option inside the app. You will hear from us soon thereafter.

To commemorate this occasion, we thought of sharing HereNow’s explainer video which has been in the works for some time now. Needless to say, it is a completely in-house production. ☺



Varun Torka
The HereNow Blog

Technology, Philosophy, Creative Fiction & Non-Fiction, Product, Management (in no particular order)