Running Back to the Past
It’s not so much about the changing times as it is about the changing people
by Mathew M Philip
Remember the good old days? When as soon as the clock struck 4 we would come out of our respective houses, visit those unfortunate few (or many) whose mother needed some external “persuasion” to let him come join us, and then together fall into a harmony to create the beautiful symphony which is sports. Playing didn’t seem to be a matter of thought at all, it just came naturally to all of us. And then there’s today, where we all have come miles from our homes to make a place for ourselves in this funny little world. Focussed and determined, we would definitely be able to create a niche one day where we can comfortably perch ourselves, and then perhaps embark upon the journey which our parents had once treaded on. We may have forced ourselves to fall into this outrageous environment of work ethics, but there’s still that child in all of us, alive and waiting to be set free.
What then stops us from naturally flowing with our instincts? As simple as it may sound, the answer is opportunity. We simply don’t get the opportunity to fall back to our old habits, invoke that passion in us which invariably lead us to the grounds where we spent our childhood days. There is no denying that the times and the ways of the world have changed, but that’s the beauty of change, it’s inevitable. It’s up to us to adapt to it or be smothered to the grounds like the giraffe which simply couldn’t grow its neck a few feet taller. The world has come down to be held in our palm and viewed from a 4-inch screen. This definitely has had a major impact on the way we experience our lives today. So instead of bemoaning the loss of our social experience, a smarter solution would be to adapt to these technological changes and utilize them as per our needs.
At HereNow, that’s exactly what we do. We provide our users with this social experience which we used to have in the “good old days”. Have an interest and would like to find someone in the neighbourhood to share it with? HereNow. Not sure whether you’re the only one around who has a football on his feet and are dying to go out and play? HereNow. Care to have someone join you for a hiking experience to that hill you always wanted to go to? HereNow!
The thing about the days from our past is that not only were we in touch with our neighbours and gathered together to unite for a cause or shared interests, we enjoyed that connection. So even if we are now absorbed in our 4-inch worlds, why not use that to get connected to the real world and rediscover the “good old days”. Magic happens when you share experiences with those who can relate to it.
About the author:
A travel enthusiast who’s always up for new experiences, Mathew someday dreams of scaling Everest’s peak. But for now, he’s happy sitting in his chair and writing articles.