What Really is Hyperlocal!

The HereNow Blog
Published in
2 min readJun 24, 2015
100 people here now with 5,000 people on HereNow!

We recently crossed the mark of 5,000 users of the HereNow app. And as it is, we are extremely excited about the whole thing! Needless to say, it was quite an effort from the team to have convinced 5,000 smart people to give space to our creation on their phones. And we’re excited about the pathway this 5,000 paves for the next 50,000 and the next 500,000 and onward!

But what the team at office was even happier about, was a milestone we hit 3 days earlier than this. It was then when we, for the first time, hit — “100 people here now”- mark at a location.

To give context, we’re building HereNow as a hyperlocal communication app that helps you connect with people near you — like really near you.

Our belief at HereNow is that because of sharing common location, people can be having similar set of requirements and experiences. Not knowing these people nearby should not hinder these co-located people from helping each other. Only because of having real proximity to other users will they be able to help each other. Only then are the requirements and experiences common enough to be solvable by hyperlocal communication.

We had recently introduced this small little feature on the app, where you yourself can see x people here now. Hitting “100 people here now” was hence even more important to us than hitting 5,000 total users on HereNow. At HereNow, we say, the more, the merrier! This milestone was indicative of us moving closer to our goal of having more people near you and hence enabling hyperlocal information more abundant & exchange faster.

While both total number of users on the platform and the density of users in a small area go hand-in-hand, it is extremely important for one to understand what one is solving for. We, at HereNow, are on a mission to enable useful communication around a location. At every location! And hence, it becomes imperative for us to work toward increasing x near you, everywhere!

Team HereNow on 100 people here now milestone!

That, for us, really is hyperlocal!

The author, as is quite apparent in this post, is building HereNow - a hyperlocal communication application that helps you connect with everyone near you without knowing their phone numbers. It helps you see what is important and exciting near you.



The HereNow Blog

Founding / Finding. Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads. 🚀