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The Heretic
The Heretic
The Heretic is Pascal Finette’s insights into leadership in exponential times. For entrepreneurs, corporate irritants and change makers. Raw, unfiltered and opinionated — delivered straight to your inbox. You will like it. → https://theheretic.org
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Scaling Wide vs. Scaling Deep

Here at Singularity University, we challenge people to “positively impact a billion people.” Not just a tall order but also the purest form of scaling wide — affecting the largest amount of individuals possible.


Yesterday Kevin Starr (kevin starr), Managing Director of the Mulago Foundation, joined me for a fireside chat at Singularity University’s Global Solutions Program. Kevin is a real rock star (no pun!) in the impact investing space, being one of the earliest actors in the field continuously pushing the…

Know Thyself (And Your Team)

Yesterday, at Singularity University’s Global Solutions Program, we debriefed a Strengths Profile test we made all our participants take. It’s an incredibly useful tool to not only understand your strengths and weaknesses but also use this insight in your teams.

The Price of Deliberate Practice (or: Why it’s Great to Suck — in Hindsight)

Deliberate practice, the type of practice which is purposeful and systematic, is the best way to improve your performance. You learn and get better at doing things by challenging yourself just…