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The Heretic
The Heretic
The Heretic is Pascal Finette’s insights into leadership in exponential times. For entrepreneurs, corporate irritants and change makers. Raw, unfiltered and opinionated — delivered straight to your inbox. You will like it. → https://theheretic.org
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The Treasure of the Moment

With Thanksgiving around the corner I am reminded of a comment Rick Schmitz made during the UNLIFE retreat:

“Recognize the treasure of the moment.”

As entrepreneurs we are insanely busy. We run from meeting to meeting. We pull…

May You Live in Interesting Times

Allegedly the title of this dispatch is a Chinese proverb (apparently it is not). Some say it’s a curse. I use it as an opener to my talk about exponential technologies (which I am turning into a richer learning experience soon).

The Days Are Long But The Years Are Short

Gretchen Rubin once penned the now often cited sentence:

The Days Are Long But The Years Are Short.

The last couple of weeks have been incredibly busy for me. I’m currently wearing three hats at work alone…

Think Like A Dictionary

The following guest post is from a good friend and fellow Heretic Matej Novak, a copywriter with a deep passion for language and branding.

It’s important that words have meanings — specific meanings we all agree on. That’s how we’re able to communicate with one…