The Ten Percent Rule (On Following Up)

Here’s another one from my visit to the World Business Dialogue 2014 last week: After my entrepreneurship workshop I put up a slide with my email address and told the hundred or so students in attendance that they should feel free to connect with me. Actually I…

MVP or MVP?!

Ever since Eric Ries unleashed the cult of The Lean Startup upon the world — and with it a plethora of lingo — we all can’t seem to get enough of the fabled MVP: The Minimum Viable Product.

I literally hear it everywhere — and all the time. Once the domain of techies I now hear…

The Doubt Club

I recently sat down with my dear friend Aza Raskin who told me about Doubt Club. Doubt Club is something Aza set up with Tristan Harris and Joe Edelman. The idea is simple, compelling and needed:

Life as an entrepreneur is stressful and can be lonely. To the outside world…

Ten Lessons

For a while now I’ve been giving a talk about “10 Lessons Learned About Entrepreneurship”. It’s a fun talk which usually spawns a great discussion with the attendees. So far I missed recording this talk and making it available online.

The Heretic
The Heretic
The Heretic is Pascal Finette’s insights into leadership in exponential times. For entrepreneurs, corporate irritants and change makers. Raw, unfiltered and opinionated — delivered straight to your inbox. You will like it. →
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