Shrouded Feelings

Even when there are valid reasons to feel a certain way, emotions remain hidden behind a mask that can sometimes come off unexpectedly.

Pooja Vishwanathan 🦋
The Heritage Pub


Photo by Camille Brodard on Unsplash

Like water, feelings are fluid. Clear as day and completely see-through. When they have to, they turn hard, but otherwise, they keep flowing freely. For some reason, the past few days have been—I will not say hard—rather overwhelming.

No matter how much effort one puts into trying to rein in their emotions, eventually they will resurface, albeit in a different shape. I have witnessed this firsthand, and there were moments when I felt a pain and a void that I could not explain.

It had to have been a Thursday. Thursdays are a special day for me, maybe because I believe in spirituality or because it is Thor's Day. Here we go again: 6:30 p.m. The time and place were identical, but the breeze gently caressed my cheeks and sheltered me from any negativity that might have been floating about.

I was walking. This is how I usually wind down my day. After doing about one round, during the second round, I found Kimchi again, but when I saw her, I just stood there silently for a few minutes before handing her out the biscuits. For a split second, my heart clenched as I saw the anguish and abandonment in her eyes. For some reason, I could not escape that instant.

Every night since last Sunday, I have gone to bed with a flushed face and a bottled-up emotional state. It sums up how I have been feeling recently. The prevailing belief in elite society is that in order to be happy and fit in, one must have a well-adjusted breed that is free of all impurities; as a result, stray animals often feel isolated and abandoned.

Even though they are identical in every way. My mom brought it up when she mentioned how awful it must be for her and other dogs.

And the part where you cry is reflective of everything. Right when I am in the middle of a show or a music video. This line of thinking continues to confound me. Considering my emotional state, this has persisted for years at this point. Perhaps I would say from my undergrad days.

I snapped this photo on my way back, and it made me think a lot about plenty of things.

Picture Credits — Clicked by the Author

A person's life is like a cloud: it goes through many stages, changes colours, and is layered with experiences, challenges, and, yes, lies.

Like the moonlight illuminating the sky with a smudge of clouds and twinkling stars, human existence follows a similar pattern, though in different contexts, as depicted here in the picture.

Just when you think they cannot get any worse, they transform into the devil. A person's true nature is hidden beneath a veneer of kindness and compassion. A person's behaviour, whether good, bad, or worse, is like the sun's varying shades from morning till evening until the moon rises to illuminate the sky: a mask that adapts to the circumstances and a multiplicity of personalities that allows them to carry on with their actions.

Even though I've learned to accept some things, I still find overwhelming emotions upsetting, particularly the crying thing, which has a big impact on me. It feels like someone has lit a fire in my room, and I can feel the heat in my chest.

For the first time in my life, I feel like I need to pour out all of my feelings into a large container. Though I am not great at expressing my emotions, they certainly show in my actions, and I try to keep a level head and accept things as they are.

This is completely impersonal. It's just how I feel at the moment. In the end, no one can master their feelings. It is best to leave it unchanged.

Phew! I think this is a lightning moment. Writing, whether poetry or blogs, has always been my saviour, and I came to this realization just in time: pen and paper are my best friends.

Do you all have those moments when your emotions just burst out, causing chaos? Some people call these "triggering points." Pour in your thoughts and don’t forget to clap or add your valuable comments if you like this piece.

Thank you for reading !! 😇



Pooja Vishwanathan 🦋
The Heritage Pub

25 || Author || Editor of The Love Pub || I live for words and my heart beats as a writer.