The Tale of Two Friends in Two Cities

A journey through two cities and echoes of friendship

Surekha Chandrasekhar
The Heritage Pub
Published in
4 min readNov 12, 2024


Photo by Amjed wani:

Yesterday, I received a message from my Photographer friend Jim,

“These days, I am in Jammu”.

A single-liner message was sufficient to get hundreds of beautiful images and thoughts about Jammu!

I replied,

“Wow!, so beautiful!”

While my actual thoughts were, “ You are so lucky …”

I didn’t say this, because, it had a tinge of jealousy!

I know Jammu and Kashmir as a place where every grass blade sports a fine blossom! But in the winter season, the State turns into a paradise with frozen lakes, snow-clad mountains, frozen snow in the apple orchards, and dusty roads covered in knee-deep snow.

No wonder the great poet Amir Khusaru uttered these words in awe of Kashmir — “If there’s a paradise on earth, it is here, it is here, it is here’’.

And, your best friend is sending you a message that he is spending holidays in Jammu! I can’t help but feel jealous!



The Heritage Pub
The Heritage Pub

Published in The Heritage Pub

Where Stories of Family History, Traditions, and Cultural Identity Come to Life

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