5 Ways To Use The HIKEArmenia Information Center

HIKEArmenia Team
The HIKEArmenia Blog
3 min readApr 30, 2019

Our Information Center in downtown Yerevan is a one-stop-shop for hiking in Armenia, and our doors are open!

How many different ways can we make hiking in Armenia easy and accessible for all? Well, we have a free mobile app available for iPhone and Android, a website, and an Information Center in downtown Yerevan. Who can make use of our center? Anyone interested in hiking! How? Here are 5 ways:

You can never have too many maps. We got maps on our walls, maps on our touchscreen tables, maps of each province of Armenia to go, hiking maps of Dilijan National Park, and not to mention the GPS navigation map on our app. No one’s getting lost in Armenia on our watch.

1) Plan your hiking adventure from beginning to end

As useful as our app is for those planning a hike here, there’s nothing like good ole fashion face-to-face human interaction. It’s why we set up our Information Center! Our in-office team, comprised of Office Manager Tamara Vardanyan and Executive Director Ardag Kosian, is ready to help you find the trail that’s right for you. Want to climb up to that Bronze Age fortress your friend was raving about? We’ll tell you exactly how to get there. Looking for a leisurely hike not far from Yerevan? We know just the place.

2) Meet your local guide

Our Information Center doubles as the unofficial meetup spot for the country’s hikers. It’s centrally located, easy to find, air conditioned, has toilets… Basically, it’s the best place to start and finish your hiking adventure, and the professional guides we work with would be happy to meet you there before heading out on the trails. Tamara and Ardag can help you find the right guide who not only speaks your language, but who’ll help you make the most out of your experience on Armenia’s trails.

This is Tamara. She’s like the physical manifestation of our organization — friendly, knows her trails, and speaks 7 languages (English, Russian, French, Dutch, German, Swedish, and of course, Armenian).

3) Find the warm, Armenian guesthouse of your dreams

Alright: you know which trail you’re going to hike, and you know how to get there thanks to the directions Tamara gave you. But where do you spend the night to experience the hospitality Armenians are known for? We’ve handpicked a variety of guesthouses and hotels across the country just for you, where delicious barbecue, homemade fruit vodka and Armenian coffee, in that order, await.

Note: you can’t book your stay at a guesthouse using our app or website, but if you stop by our center, we’d be happy to make a phone call for you to reserve your stay.

4) Rent equipment

Don’t have hiking gear with you? We got you covered! Our center is stocked with tents, sleeping bags, and physical maps of Armenia’s provinces which you can rent or purchase. When we say our Information Center is a one-stop-shop to hike Armenia, we mean it!

5) Connect with other hikers

Maybe you’re a solo traveler looking for a hiking buddy, or simply want to connect with local and international hikers while in Armenia. Either way, our center is the perfect place to do that. We have guests from all around the world stopping by all the time. Think of our center as a hikers’ clubhouse. All are welcome. No application or membership fee required.

That’s what we look like from the outside! Find us next to Impresso Coffee on Vardanants Street.

Our doors are open Monday through Friday, 10am to 7pm (open Saturdays during hiking season). Address: 5 Vardanants Street, Yerevan. We’re just a 5 minute walk from Republic Square. Come say hi!



HIKEArmenia Team
The HIKEArmenia Blog

We're dedicated to boosting ecotourism in Armenia and making trails accessible to hikers using our free app and the HIKEArmenia Resource Center in Yerevan.