Hill88 2.0.4 — Improving Hill88 by listening to our users

Michael Loistl
The Hill88 Blog
Published in
5 min readJan 17, 2016

This post was originally published on Dec 16th, 2013

It’s almost four weeks since the arrival of the completely re-imagined Hill88 for iOS7 and today we are incredibly excited to release the 4th update with a series of new features, improvements and bug fixes.

In response to all your amazing feedback and feature requests, we decided to operate on a weekly update cycle which allows us to quickly roll out new features and improve on existing ones as well. With the introduction of automatic updates in iOS7, all these improvements will install themselves automatically in the background, leaving you with the best possible experience when it comes to using Hill88.

Great experience is the core focus in everything we do, and it’s also the core message in most of the feedback we receive from our incredible users. We are very responsive to any support and feature requests and we love to engage in conversations with our users about how they use our app and how to make the workflow really work for them. Many of our users share their experience in really detailed ways, which allows us to prioritize which new features to build first and which existing features and workflows to improve to leave them with a great solution while using Hill88 for Asana.

Favourites for projects and tags

Mobile devices provide much smaller screens than desktop computers and that’s especially true with the iPhone (even though we’ve heard murmurings of a giant iPhone scheduled to be released later next year). Hill88 has been developed with mobile at its core, and we are always looking for improvements to make working with all your Asana data as efficient, and pleasurable as possible. In our previous release, we added search to the menu, which allows you to quickly find any user, project or tag that you may be looking for. However, there was still something missing to make the menu really efficient for your personal workflow. Favourites are a new quick and simple way to group your mostly used projects and tags at the top of the list.

Hill88 — Menu Favorites

Project and tag description

Hill88 has always maintained the description for projects and tags, however it wasn’t visible anywhere else other than the edit screen. With this release, we have added descriptions to the top of your lists, giving you all the contextual information that you need. This description area supports our smart links feature and efficiently makes use of any web links, email addresses, phone numbers and addresses displayed within the description.

Hill88 — Description for Projects and Tags

We’ve also added a new setting to hide this information, if you wish to do so.

Hill88 Settings — Description for Projects and Tags

My unified task list

The unified task list is one of the unique and most loved features in Hill88, and with this version we have added a designated button for your personal unified task list which makes it quicker to switch between workspaces and your unified task list.

Hill88 — My Unified Task List

A cleaner task list

The task list is the central element of Hill88, it’s also the place where you have full control when it comes to showing the task name and other goodies such as due date, workspace, projects, tags, and parent tasks. With this release the task list got even smarter and automatically displays information that is not obvious from the current context.

Example 1: The workspace name is displayed in the unified task list as any other list.

Example 2: When you show the task list for a particular project, that project will not be repeated in every task relating to it.

Another modification that we have made with this release is the way we display assignees in the task list. In the previous release, we introduced assignee avatars, however the display of the assignee name seemed to keep the task list visually more balanced and allows more focus on the task names.

Automatically close menu & task edit setting (iPad only)

You might have experienced that there can just be either the menu or the task edit pane open when holding the iPad in portrait mode. However, in landscape mode we allow to have both open, which leaves approx. 3 equal columns for the menu, task list and task edit views. With this release we have added two new settings that allow you to disable landscape specific behaviour in order to keep the task list as wide as possible and close automatically the menu automatically when you open the task edit pane or vice versa.

Hill88 Settings — Automatically close menu/task edit

Give pro features a try

If you’re using the free edition Hill88, you may have seen the Go Pro screen already. However, there wasn’t anything more than the screenshots to give you a taste of Hill88 Pro. With this release we changed that to give you the opportunity to experience Hill88 Pro features for yourself. The Go Pro screen will still be displayed everytime you tap on a pro feature, but when you close the Go Pro screen, the actual pro feature will be accessible.

Hill88 — Go Pro

Other improvements & bug fixes

  • Updated localizations GB, US, DE
  • Fixed issue where edited project/tag wouldn’t sync immediately and therefore would be reset during following sync
  • Fixed crash when searching in menu
  • Fixed crash when selecting edit mode for menu with teams
  • Fixed selection issue with ‘My tasks’
  • Fixed issue where new projects/tags would not sync
  • Fixed issue where completed section would show on top of project task list
  • Fixed issue where badge count wouldn’t reset when logging out
  • Fixed issue where menu items would disappear due to a invalid server response
  • Fixed issue where app would crash when dragging a task to the last position
  • Fixed issue where color label wouldn’t update on color picker screen
  • Various minor UI modifications
  • Various minor bug fixes
  • Various performance optimizations
  • Resetting of project/tag colors temp. disabled due to a bug in Asana’s API



Michael Loistl
The Hill88 Blog

Working on @revitfamily , the ultimate Revit Family creation app. Previously Context (@useContext) and Hill88 for Asana (@Hill88App).