Published in
4 min readSep 12, 2017


From drinking out of the bride’s shoe, to downing a cocktail containing a human toe, drinking traditions around the world are funny, bizarre and everything in between!

Here are 7 wacky ones!

1.“How dare you clink glasses!”

Clinking glasses may come as naturally to you as breathing, but if you are in Hungary, you could run into trouble!

It is said that Austrian authorities clinked glasses to celebrate the assassination of 13 Hungarian revolutionaries in a 1848 uprising. If you clink someone’s glass in bar in Budapest, well…. don’t say we didn’t warn you!

2.“Don’t help yourself. It’s bad manners!”

“Don’t bother about me, I will help myself!” is the polite thing to say in most countries. In Japan and France however, it is considered rude.

In Japan, you must always make sure that your neighbour’s drink is filled to the brim and not worry about fixing your own drink. That’s your guest’s responsibility! In France, women are served first and like in Japan, it is considered boorish to pour your own drink.

3.Drinking from the bride’s shoe!

If a guest at a Ukrainian wedding manages to steal the bride’s shoe, he/she has earned the right to make outlandish demands. Very often, the wedding party is made to drink from the bride’s shoe.

4.“No drink, no marriage!”

We’ve heard of marriages ending because of alcohol, but beginning?!

In Nigeria, only when the bride and groom drink glasses of traditionally prepared palm wine, are they considered married! (In India just a signature will suffice)

5.“Want your fiance back? Buy us drinks!”

In Germany, it is tradition for the groomsmen to “kidnap” the bride, the night before her wedding and take her to a nearby pub. If her fiance wants her back, he must buy drinks for the group.

Don’t try this in India, you will run into hell a lot of trouble with the in-laws and relatives!

6.La Batalla De Vino De Haro!

You know Holi? Now picture it with wine instead of colours!

That is exactly what this Spanish tradition in the town of Haro is all about.

Wine is poured into buckets and splashed on dancing crowds. Water guns are filled with wine for the night long party!

This wild celebration is to commemorate the feasts of Saint Peter and Saint Paul. It’s an important day in the catholic world but nowhere is it celebrated like this!

7.The Human toe flavoured cocktail!

At the Sourdough saloon in Yukon, Canada, you must down a drink with a dehydrated human toe in it to be inducted into the Sour Toe Cocktail Club. No thanks!

It is one hell of a bizarre world and that’s what makes it more interesting! What better way to understand a country’s culture than sitting down for a drink with its citizens?

If you know of any other interesting drinking customs, write to us in the comments section below and let us know!

