Wine Gifting — Get It Right!

Published in
5 min readNov 24, 2020

In a country where wine is still considered a pompous, elitist drink, it is indeed very difficult to pick a bottle for any occasion. India imports close to 4000 varieties of wines across different price categories and grape varieties. To keep track of all of them is not possible even for the die-hard fans of the beverage. As a country we have even broken the notion that gifting alcohol is taboo which is a big step forward in terms of how people perceive gifts these days. So here is a simple yet effective guide to gifting wines and improve your image with the host and other guests. Just as a heads up when I refer to wines, I am only referring to the generic grape variety and not any wine brands.

1. What is the occasion?

It is always wise to know what’s the occasion you are going to be gifting for. Birthdays/Anniversaries almost always top the list of events why people invite you over. During such occasions its always best to find out what the star of the occasion might be interested in. And if you have deep pockets, perhaps gifting a bottle of wine that coincides with the year of birth or wedding will definitely add a classy touch to the occasion. For example, a 25-year old wine for someone’s 25th anniversary. Expensive? Maybe, but classy? Definitely!

2. The audience

Playing to the gallery can never go wrong. If you know the age group of people you’re gifting, then it might help in choosing the right wine. The younger generation as in anyone below the age of 35 would definitely prefer something simple and easy to drink, in which case you can go for a young white wine such as a Chenin Blanc or a Sauvignon Blanc. They are uncomplicated easy on the palate and definitely liked by most. However, if it is a more mature crowd then perhaps you can go for a red wine. A simple wine would be a Merlot and something a bit more complicated would be a Cabernet Sauvignon.

3. The seasons

The time of the year plays a very important role in choosing your wines. White wines or sparkling wines are your best choice during the summer months. A German Riesling or an Italian Pinot Grigio will be the most ideal. And there is nothing like beating the heat with a chilled glass of bubbly. A red wine will be too overwhelming and heavy on the senses. The exact opposite applies for the winter months. A good medium to heavy bodied red like a Shiraz or a Cabernet Sauvignon will gel well with the weather giving that much needed warmth and comfort.

4. The Food

Food is an integral part of any occasion, it can range from just simple finger food to an elaborate buffet. It would be great to know what type of food might be served at the occasion but as a general rule, if its Indian Food you should most definitely carry a Chardonnay if you want a white or a Shiraz or a Shiraz Blend in the red.

Some General Rules

Having covered the FAQs about the situations that might warrant the type of wine for gifting, we can now move to some pointers around housekeeping that would definitely help you choose the right wine to gift.

1. Gift what you like

It is always a good idea to gift a bottle of wine that you have liked previously. More often than not, the others would enjoy it too. Its always a good to gift a product that is close to your heart and share this joy by extending it to whoever you might be gifting it to. Of course if your choice of liking is something obscure like a Gamay/beaujolais in which case you might want to refer to the previous section to help you decide.

2. Pricey does not mean good

The funny part about wines in our country is that the price of the wine is the biggest misnomer when trying to judge the quality of wine. Expensive does not always mean good. So, it might help to read the back label before you decide on gifting the bottle. There are some very good quality Indian wines that are available off the shelves and very economical as well. There is plenty of information on these wines online so a quick browse should help you make a decision.

3. The all season winner

There is always an all-season winner for any occasion, that is the sparkling wine/Champagne. You can never go wrong with the bottle of bubbly no matter what the occasion, season or food. It is by far the most popular crowd-pleaser so when in doubt go for the fizz.

4. The gift set conundrum

Off late there seems to be a wine glass bundled wine bottles on the shelves. More often than not, we get distracted by extras that we do not give much care to the star of the show, the wine itself. A good wine gift does not need extras. The label on the bottle will speak for itself.

5. Do not play pass the parcel

The classic gifting mistake, someone gave it to me so I am giving it to someone else because I do not want it. This can work both ways for anyone. Either the wine is very good or very bad and you do not know for certain. More often than not, the credibility of the person who had gifted it to you comes to the fore. If you aren’t sure just search for the label online. You can get a fair idea about what the wine might be. More importantly, if the wine isn’t stored properly then you could possibly gifting spoilt wine. We cannot know for sure unless we open it, but its a risk and a big one at that. So when in doubt, buy a fresh bottle off the shelf.

6. Gift wrap or not?

Absolutely not. A ribbon around the neck should more than suffice. Let people know what it is. Maybe even point out to the recipient about what the wine is all about and when they should be opening it. As a side note to this point, lose the price tag unless it is a 5-figure number before the decimal, in which case leave it on.

Wine gifting isn’t as complicated as it might be made out to be. However, if you do employ the above pointers, you could possibly create a great impression on whoever you might be giving to. In this day age of information overload, it is not easy to pinpoint what exactly you would need to buy but what this guide will ensure is that you will not make a mistake.


