Chronicles of The Axum Empire, Part I

Neil P Harvey
The Histories of Kannes
4 min readNov 10, 2020

From the reign of Akanasin to the Lesser House rulers of the empire.

Akanasin, Second Ruler and Queen of Axum.

From Book Eight of Kannes — Xcelon

Sin was succeeded by his eldest daughter Kanaxe, who changed her name to Akanasin at coronation, thus preserving the name of her father, beginning a tradition adhered to by nearly all Axumite rulers.

Her rise was facilitated by her brother’s refusal of the kingship in favor of becoming a monk in Kamun. Soon after coming into power, Akanasin persuaded the Sovereign of House Axum to induct the entire royal family as Vala in order to secure her place as empress. She then ordered the disbanding of all the selestiels of Alessa, as she felt that they could no longer guarantee peace within their own ranks.

Akanasin next conquered Kamun while putting down a revolt led by House Veti which had lost some of its power and influence following Sin’s conquest of Mushuru.

Fenne the Fair of Astayges. Image credit: Linda Lithen

Many years later, Kamun again revolted against Axum under the leadership of Fenne the Fair of Astayges. Akanasin quickly responded with her massive army, defeating Fenne at the Battle of Saras. After his defeat, Fenne hastily fled to Inbu, leaving the fortified planet-cities to defend their garrisons. The troops were comprised of partly Terran and Kamunan soldiers, between whom jealousies and suspicions were easily sown by Axumite operatives looking to tear them down from within. The Axumites handily subdued the secondary planets of Kamun, and were advancing upon Inbu when Fenne deserted and fled to Astayges. The Axumite army completely routed the Kamunians and all of Kamun submitted to Akanasin.

After her victory, Akanasin had the planetary defenses of Inbu destroyed and proceeded to loot the planet of its massive archeological treasures. As intended, the conquest significantly elevated the prestige of Axum, as ancient relics, masonry, gems, and other artifacts, which have previously only been known in Kamun, were now placed in museums that were accessible to researchers and patrons of the various exhibits. A renewed public interest in all things related to ancient Kamun swept the empire. Akanasin took pride in the revival and crowned herself “Queen of Kamun” after constructing a new palace dubbed “The White Temple” that borrowed from Kamunan architecture. Simultaneously, she levied heavy taxes on the Kamunan people, hoping to keep them weak and prevent another revolt against Axum.

“A renewed public interest in all things related to ancient Kamun swept the empire.”

After the conquest of Kamun, there were no more major revolts or rebellions against Akanasin. The generals Apaces and Tspanges were elevated to stations nearly equal with her own, due to their accomplishments in the war and to keep an eye on potential uprisings. Apaces, was appointed governor of Kamun, and exerted himself to put down rebellions while simultaneously increasing his popularity among the Kamunan people.

Apaces became a master of propaganda, making many public appearances and promoting himself via media channels as savior of the empire. At times, he publically humiliated those branded as corrupt opposition leaders to win support from people. He often dressed in Kamunan garb and observed their many ceremonies, to the degree that he won popular acceptance. Tspanges returned to the capital with Akanasin as her second in command. He oversaw a league of officials responsible for enforcing the laws and collecting taxes.

The White Temple constructed by Akanasin on Inbu

The growing power and rapid expansion of the Terran imperium increasingly came to Akanasin’s notice. She settled Axumite troops, administrators and other officials on the planet Mariya, changing its name to Lithe, which again was renamed Nubet when a significant number of Kamunians migrated there during the reign of Ramsin. Akanasin ordered the Terran king to Axum and replaced him with Mustak, a court administrator who had proven his loyalty.

The closing years of Akanasin’s reign were prosperous and peaceful. She returned to Ko and spent the next several years building her personal guard and promoting Axumite language and culture throughout the empire. She rebuilt many of the House Xyun cathras destroyed by Aras. She effectively put down minor rebellions and graciously rewarded those who assisted her, often promoting them to token positions in her administration — especially Kamunians. Kamun remained a part of the Axum Empire until the time of Terru Endelus.

Akanasin died in the year after a long reign. Her immediate successors were measurably less successful in maintaining unified order and rule, but the prominence of Sin’s legacy and the edicts put forth by both Sin and Akanasin were enough to keep the central government in place for several millennia.

“In honor of father, mother, may my reign and empire be for the just” Queen Akanasin




Neil P Harvey
The Histories of Kannes

Author, curator, historian, living the best virtual life in real time.