The Universal Day of Ton

Neil P Harvey
The Histories of Kannes
2 min readMar 24, 2021

A continuously celebrated universal holiday unlike any other

Planet Erus nearing the dominion of the supermassive black hole Ton, last known location of the Sdu Emperor Xteru

From Book Three of Kannes — Seles

Emperor Xteru made many enemies over the millennia. During his reign, loyalties were volatile as he pitted one group against another, wholly annihilating those who openly opposed him until he was no longer able to perceive friend from foe. Conflicts were magnified during the time of Sammu the Illuminator, whose teachings were in direct contrast to the harsh ordinances imposed by the imperial caste system.

“War erupted and a great deal of knowledge was lost”

A top advisor known as Mokunar of Sippur, was a secret follower Sammu and he viewed Xteru as a despot opposing universal balance. After Xteru returned from a battle against a separatist sect of Sammu’s followers, Mokunar struck him down in a moment of weakness, like Guuerdur had been struck down so many years before. Unlike Guuerdur, Xteru lived, although his power was greatly diminished. The royal guard caught Mokunar trying to escape and imprisoned him for Xteru to execute once he had recovered.

An artist’s depiction of the Elder Iru (Gasham) once betrayed by Xteru

But due to the passage of time and unknown to most all, Xteru’s injury resulted in a shattering of the barrier he once erected to imprison his ancient brothers and sisters. Slowly the elder Iru (called Gasham in Umanic) began to appear from the nothingness, plotting revenge against their betrayer. Nexu, Gemmades, and Gese laid waste to Xteru’s capital city before striking him down before the royal houses. War erupted and a great deal of knowledge was lost as the Sdu Empire was thrown into chaos.

As alliances formed, many of the Ayyur once loyal to the empire began to secede, one of the most prominent being Queen Istha of Ordor who had spoken fondly of the Xaluns movement. Xteru rallied his armies and other dark forces at his command, the children of that old life, known as Ozun and as the profane Abrogation, who entered the war that raged with unimaginable destruction until the Day of Ton, when it was broadcast across the empire that Xteru and his army had disappeared. Sdu loyalties were dissolved and in a short time the empire collapsed.

Although it goes by many names, The Day of Ton is still observed to the present day as a recognition of freedom and independence. Amongst its traditions is the hewing of the Bobap tree, where its leaves are mashed into a fine paste by celebrants and then eaten.




Neil P Harvey
The Histories of Kannes

Author, curator, historian, living the best virtual life in real time.