The Jewish Heritage of Adolf Hitler

Hitler’s Nazi comrade discovered that Hitler’s grandfather was Jewish

Dr. Zia Ullah
The History Feed


Picture of Adolf Hitler
Picture of Adolf Hitler (Image via

If you were a history nerd growing up, you may have heard at some point that Hitler had Jewish heritage. I’ve heard it so many times that I can’t recall hearing it for the first time. Hitler’s paternal grandfather was indeed believed to be a Jew.

Hans Frank revealed Adolf Hitler’s Jewish heritage

In a memoir, “Im Angesicht des Galgens,” Hans Frank wrote about Hitler’s Jewish heritage. Hans Frank was a Nazi politician and the governor general of occupied Poland.

Before 1933, Hans was the personal lawyer of Adolf Hitler and a member of his Nazi party. He was prosecuted for crimes against humanity in Nuremberg in 1946. Hans’ memoir was published in 1953, seven years after his execution.

Hans wrote that in 1930, Adolf Hitler’s nephew, William Hitler, sent him a letter. In the letter, William threatened to reveal information about Hitler’s Jewish grandfather to the public. Adolf became outraged and ordered Hans to look into his Jewish heritage. He discovered that Hitler’s paternal grandfather was Jewish.

Adolf’s grandmother, Maria Schicklgruber, worked as a maid for a Jewish family in Gratz, Austria. Maria became…



Dr. Zia Ullah
The History Feed

Medical professional with a passion for writing, exploring history, true crime, mysteries, and conspiracies.