Plato’s Academy mosaic. Wiki Commons.

A New Column Coming!

Quora for the History Inquiry

Michael Koy
Sent as a


2 min readOct 21, 2022


Sites such as Quora or Reddit are hellholes of arguments and toxicity…but they never die. The endless scroll of their formats encourages readers to click, and this relentless cycle continues. However, subreddits such as r/AskHistorians do have their benefits. Specific questions can be answered, and their casual formats are appealing to viewers. So what if we brought the best of these worlds to our publication?

Introducing…Quora for The History Inquiry! Our new series aims at answering historical questions on all levels. How did Ancient Rome decline? What happened to Ancient Egypt? Why wasn’t Napoleon able to invade Britain? All of these questions will be answered in our newest column!

Looking for writers!

$5 USD per article

In addition, we are currently looking for writers to make this project a success. As we accept all articles centred around answering a historical question, the rate will be $5 USD an article. Not a lot, I know, but we are a small, unmonetized publication trying our best in the world of freelancing! If this column is a success, we will expand our rates, but it’s up to you fabulous writers to make it happen!

P.S — You can submit as many articles as you like at the same rates

The hopes of this new series are to provide a place for unanswered historical questions, but also friendly discussions and introspective debates. In other hopes, this series is aimed at combining the best of two worlds.

If you would like to submit to our publication, please email us at or comment down below to be added as a writer. All submissions must contain the words “(History Answered Submission)” in the title or submission.

Follow us for more history!



Michael Koy
The History Inquiry

Your daily History and a cup of philosophy! Proud founder of The History Inquiry.