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Article Submission Guidelines

Want to contribute your writing? Follow these easy steps!

Michael Koy
2 min readJun 17, 2021


Step 1: Submit

Submit your draft by emailing the link to Or if you don’t have a draft but still want to be a writer, just comment below!

Step 2: Waiting and Editing Process

Aside from basic grammatical errors, we will not edit anything else about your story. If we feel there is a larger issue with your article, we will email you directly. Wait 1–2 days for a response. If we feel your article does not fit in our publication, we will notify you through email.

Step 3: Published and Becoming a Writer

If your first submission is approved, we will notify you. Furthermore, you will be added as a writer for our publication, where you can simply submit any draft you have on Medium rather than email.

How should your Article look

  • The title should be interesting and eye-catching
  • The subtitle is to give a general idea of what your article will be about
  • The length of the article does not matter
  • MUST include an image above the title



Michael Koy
The History Inquiry

Your daily History and a cup of philosophy! Proud founder of The History Inquiry.