A person who woke up in his grave. | source

Essie Dunbar: The Woman Who Woke Up In Her Own Grave

What would you do if you woke up in a grave?

Maxwell Eden
4 min readApr 23, 2022


How would feel if you suddenly woke up in your own grave? the situation of being buried alive, having a volume of air that can only keep you alive for five hours, and the high temperature that makes you feel like hell. What about the immense darkness and the overwhelming loss of hope that help is not coming because they think they buried the dead body of their beloved family member? At the end of this article, I would share some tips on how to survive and breathe fresh air again if you ever find yourself in such a terrible situation (God forbid). But first, we need to talk about Essie Dunbar.

Essie Dunbar

It was in the summer of 1915, happening in South Carolina, a woman had just fallen to the bare floor due to epilepsy, well she was not breathing and this is a clear sign been dead but to be on the safer side her grieving family summoned Dr. D.K Briggs of Blackville to do a check-up. He found no sign of life and announced Essie’s demise undisputable. There was no need for delay it was high time to do the funeral, bury her so she could rest.

You don’t just put the dead under the ground, there is a procedure to follow. Her body was gently placed in a wooden coffin with the cross sign embeled on its lid. Families and friends were either crying, sobbing, or listening attentively to the three-man sermon when they realized that they can’t wait for her sister to grace the funeral with her presence any longer. Essie Dunbar was lowered into the six feet grave and slowly they filled it up.

A picture of Essie Dunbar and her grave. | source

The mysterious resurrection

Essie’s sister appeared a few minutes after she’d been buried. She appeared to be disappointed and equally willing to see her sister one last time, she pleaded respectfully because she knew digging her up was not the right thing to do. The priests felt sorrowful and agreed, they instructed the men to dig her up. The sister, priests, and the audience were completely stunned when they saw Essie sitting right up in the coffin.

It was chaos, they have never experienced anything like it. Even her grieving sister could not offer her an instant welcome hug as every one ran for their lives. It didn’t end there, Essie walked on her own back into the town and the turmoil erupted once again. It didn’t matter the kind of love that was in place for her before the incident, they just couldn’t believe their eyes.

For the next few years, she was branded the woman who defeated death, some even believed she was a zombie, a curse to the society.

Essie Dunbar died on the 22nd day of May 1962, at age 70. She was said to have outlived the doctor who confirmed her death 40 years before.

Tips for surviving if you wake up in your own grave

Essie Dunbar had help, for all I know she would be dead if not for her sister’s lateness. So, I will share some tips if you ever find yourself in such a bizarre situation.

Alright, you need to calm down and stop panicking, remember that you only have about five hours before you run out of air.

Use the hope to see the sun again to punch the lid, continue this until you it breaks.

Wrap your face with the clothing material that went under with you, pull out your hand, and breath fresh air again.


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