The Frenchman Who Was Always Hungry

Tarrare had an insatiable appetite. And this may have included cannibalism.

Nick Howard
The History Inquiry


There is an odd disease that affects some people’s eating ability. Known as polyphagia, this disorder can cause people to overeat and eat things such as chalk, tobacco, and even household items. Not only will they eat large amounts of food, but they will also often eat non-food objects.

One such famous case of this disorder was a man named Tarrare (we do not know if this was his real name or a nickname). Born of modest means, he became famous for his ability to eat almost anything. If stories are to be believed, this may have included an infant.

Early Life

Tarrare was born sometime in 1772 around Lyon, France. As a young man, Tarrare could eat a quarter of a cow, almost as big as himself, in a single sitting. He was also able to do so without gaining weight. His weight stayed around 100 lbs. If he went without eating, his skin hung loose on his frame, and he looked like a starving person.

His body was said to be hot to the touch, and he often sweated. He had a strong body odor, which only intensified after he ate. As a result of his strange eating habits, he had chronic diarrhea and a lethargic deposition.



Nick Howard
The History Inquiry

I am an educator and a writer. I write about sports, movies, comics, history, professional wrestling, food, music.