Relief from the Sanctuary of Khonsu Temple depicting Rameses III. Image source: WikimediaCommons.

The Murder of Ramesses III

The riddle of a Thousand Years; Magic, Poison, Venomous Snakes, and a Murder.

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9 min readSep 27, 2022


There is no doubt that Ramesses III was murdered but the method used to end his life has long been discussed by archaeologists and egyptologists. Multiple theories, a lack of evidence, and confusion have long clouded the truth and spread mystery over his death.

Could it have been a venomous snake?

Venomous snakes were frequently used in assassinations in Ancient Egypt as they left no trace behind. It was difficult to know if the snake accessed the royal chambers by mistake or if it was purposely placed there by someone in the shadows. A carpet viper (Echis Omanensis) would probably be the best choice, as it is one of the most poisonous snakes in North Eastern Africa; its bite would most probably have led to death. Snake charmers could, by touch, make the snake stiff and restrain its movements until securely placed in the palace.

Who was lurking around in the palace with evil intentions, in the cover of the shadows?

The Coronation

The coronation of Ptolemy VIII was similar to what Ramsses’s coronation would have looked like. Image source: WikimediaCommons.



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The History Inquiry

A History, Travel, Culture and Language writer, eager to learn more and explore the world