Toledo: Spain's Imperial City

Nick Howard
The History Inquiry
6 min readJun 26, 2022


The original capital of Spain has a rich history going back thousands of years.

Photo by Greta Schölderle Møller on Unsplash

For over 2000 years, Toldeo has been the center of Spanish history. It began as a Celtic tribal settlement, and by the time of the Roman writer Livy (59BCE-17CE), it was a fortified settlement in the province of Hispania. Toledo became the center of kingdoms, emirates, and empires throughout its history. The city is considered a crossroads of the religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Early Settlement

In 193BCE the Roman legions fought a battle near the settlement of Toletum against the Carpetania tribe. By the time of the Flavian dynasty (69–96CE), Toletum was a fortified city and a hub of the province.

As a municipium, the citizens enjoyed many rights and privileges afforded to Roman citizens. The city had a protective wall, a municipal water system, and public baths. The Toledo Circus, where chariot races were held, was the largest circus in Hispania.

As spacious and important as Toledo was during Roman times, it was never a provincial capital or judicial center. Still, the city grew as an important cultural center during late antiquity.

With the collapse of the Western Roman Empire in 476CE, the Visigoths settled in the former province of Hispania. By 546CE Toledo…



Nick Howard
The History Inquiry

I am an educator and a writer. I write about sports, movies, comics, history, professional wrestling, food, music.