How Japan Had Upheaval 1964 Summer Olympics to Be Held in Tokyo

Mukul Varshney
The History Magazine
4 min readAug 20, 2021
Photo by Bryan Turner on Unsplash

If I talk about world power, then Japan remained the powerful country, which is continuously advanced in terms of technologies, and that’s why it was tough for many countries to beat Japan. At that time, Japan has the moto to usurp the nations near Asia and control them.

They wanted to host Olympics in their country to increase popularity. They started lobbing in 1930 in IOC ( International Olympics Committee ) to host the 1940 Summer Olympics in Japan, but Rome was also the participant in that race.

The debate was louder for six years, and then both the countries decided that Rome will host Olympics in 1944 and Japan will host Summer Olympics in 1940. After some time, IOC has permitted Japan to host Summer Olympics in 1940. Both Rome and Japan had committed that they will support each other.

After they got hosting permission in 1940, it was a challenging situation for Japan to manage everything properly. They have to build hotels and a prominent place with a fully managed structure. In a short period, it was challenging for Japan to do that. But circumstances were entirely against Japan because the relation between China and Japan was thoroughly disturbed, and in 1937.

There was a second World War between China and Japan. Japan has more resources than China, but still, the population factor matters a lot. Somehow, Japan was in good condition, but they have already lost a considerable workforce and available resources.

Eventually, it was a tough time for Japan to do both task, either fight with China or to focus on development for Summer Olympics, but that doesn’t happen because of limited resources availability.

The resources were finished, and there was nothing that could invest in developing the Infrastructure. The domestic pressure was building on Japan to cancel the Tokyo Olympic hosting in 1940 to focus on their development. Japan agreed, and in 1938, they came in front of the IOC and requested to cancel their hosting because of war with China. They have made a considerable loss to our country.

Japan said that the hosting of the Olympics should be given to another country and IOC did that. IOC had shared hosting of the Olympics to Helsinki, which is the capital of Finland. But there was too much confusion about whether they will be able to do that or not. But in September 1939, Germany attacked Poland, and the Olympic program gets canceled for 1940. This 1940 Olympic is popularly known as Missing Olympics.

Japan was the part of axis countries. Where Adolf Hitler (Nazi party) was invading European Countries, Benito Mussolini (Dictator of Italy)was invading African countries, and Tojo Hideki(PM of Japan) was planning to conquer Asian countries.

USA was never the part of Second World War, But Japanese Army attacked on Pearl Harbor which instigate USA to bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The destruction because of atomic bombs and threat of another one made Japanese Emperor Hirohoto to surrender to USA.

The defeat of axis power suffered a lot post world war II.

This was a time of Japan’s revolution where Japan had focused on development. In 1947, Japan was considered a Democratic country where they have signed Article 9, in which Japan had clearly stated that “they are backed from all the Wars and there will no soldier attack from air, water, or land.

Japan gets free from America’s controls in 1952, where both the nations had a treaty in 1951.

This treaty is very well known as ‘Peace of Reconciliation’, where America said that America would be having a military base in Japan. This treaty was revised in 1960. America has stated that it will protect Japan if any country attacks them.

Now Japan had entirely focused on their Audio Development and Infrastructure to be back to their original position. Japan had done great development in a brief period, and they again started lobbing to IOC for the 1964 Summer Olympics.

IOC had changed its rules and regulations earlier. A country has time to develop its Infrastructure after getting hosting for the Olympics, but now IOC will check whether they can host the Olympics at that particular time.

Japan was going to be fully developed, and they get the hosting for the 1964 Olympics in 1959. Still, Japan has to do a lot of work in these five years. In that five years, the entire world knows how Japan had changed its transformation, and it is also called the World’s Best Urban Transformation where more than 10,000 buildings were built, many 5 star hotels, 8 Flyovers, two lines for subway, and many more.

Japan had also started its Bullet Train in 1964, which covers 400 km in just 3 hours. On 10th October, Japan Emperor Hirohito comes in front of the nation to talk about their versatile development of the country. He was that man who had surrendered 19 years ago and has taken his country to a new level.

10th October is now considered the national holiday in Japan. Japan’s Folk believed that their country has a great future and that the 1964 Tokyo Summer Olympics is regarded as the best Olympics of all time.

Japan progressed drastically in few years just after the atomic destruction.
Every Japanese was determined to serve for their country. That’s how they were able to host Olympics in Japan. America assured to Japan for full military support. That’s how Olympic was possible in Japan.

It was an effective Olympic for Japan, which had entirely changed the visibility of Japan.

Japan has reached to the different hights of technology and inovations in few years. It was a tremendous job by Japanese government to progress this much since 1945.

