John F Kennedy’s Sex Affair with His mistress

Youngest President and a Womaniser, But a Great Politician

Krishna V Chaudhary
The History Magazine
6 min readJun 23, 2021


John F Kennedy | Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

John F Kennedy was one of the youngest presidents of the United States.

He was the fourth president of the US who was assassinated.

In 1961, he became the 35th President of the USA. He was famous for being a president, but he was much more famous as a womanizer.

After being a president, his misconduct and ruthless lifestyle started gaining attention from the country’s citizens. He spent most of his time in search of beauties. There was a time when he spent less time in politics comparing spending time with the women around.

A retired White House intern had revealed her 18-months long sex affair with John Kennedy, claiming that he took her virginity on his wife Jacqueline Kennedy’s bed.

The mistress names her affair with the president as more of a compassionate, playful, and loving sex affair.

During the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, the president sent his wife and children to stay at their family’s summer farm in Virginia. Being alone, he grew more close to his 19-year old mistress.

Kenndey Family Christmas 1962 | Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

Mimi Alford & John Kennedy

Mimi Alford | Image Source: Pinterest

Mimi Alford, the author of Once Upon a Secret: My Affair with President John F. Kennedy and Its Aftermath, has written about her sex life with the president and how he took her virginity.

Aside from revealing her sex life with John, she also revealed the delicate moments she had spent with him.

He had a collection of rubber ducks and they were in the bathtub and we used to race those rubber ducks in the bathtub — she said in an interview.

Mimi had once confessed that she had found him unbelievably handsome.

On her fifth day of work as a White House reporter, John took her away from her co-workers who were having cocktails in the hall and took her to his wife’s bedroom where they had sex for the first time — is an extract from her book.

She was then 19 years old and mentioned that ‘slight of screaming’ was all that she could do to get John off her, and in an interview, she had said she meant she was defeated(in the sense of power) and didn’t resist as he was the president.

In her book, she also mentioned that he made her inhale a sex drug once at a party.

“Do you want to try the drug?” — The president asked me about the drug which arouses the heart and intensifies sex. He didn’t even try to take it himself.

I said no, but he popped the capsule and kept it under my nose. I felt a new sensation, and it panicked me, and I ran crying into a room.

They had spent a great time together taking baths and spending numbers of nights, where she loved to wear his soft-blue cotton nightshirt. Mimi described John as seductive and playful.

She wrote that the president had directed her to perform a sex act with Dave Powers(his 50-year old assistant), and he sat back and watched.

In the following summer, Mimi was forced to do the same with John’s brother Teddy Kennedy. But, she was embarrassed about what she did with Dave and thus refused.

Later in media interviews, Jacqueline stated that she requested her husband to spend more time with their children and keep her close; but he turned to Mimi Alford.

But all this without even a kiss?
She mentioned in her book that they never kissed, and she was never allowed to take his first name and called him Mr. President even in bed.

He controlled her, and usually, she was made to wait until he calls for her.

Ironically, she went to the same school(Miss Porter’s School) as Kennedy’s wife Jackie.

Political Life with Other Intentions

John F Kennedy’s Portrait | Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

John Kennedy, although married to Jackie Kennedy, was involved in making relationships with other women.

His wife was aware of his extramarital affairs but did not interfere in his relationships. She accepted him as he was and stayed with him.

Maybe, It was her misfortune that she was surrounded by men who were womanizers.

Dave Powers, his assistant and the closest friend of Kennedy, was responsible for arranging women for Kennedy. The worst part of their friendship was smuggling women out of the White House. The USA faced the worst phase during the time of Kennedy.

The President misused his power and used his agents in scheduling women by bringing them to the White House to keep him happy.

His inclination towards women was not only for the outsiders but also for those who were in-house. Two of his female secretaries were recruited for contentment and pleasuring the President. Priscilla Wear and Jill Caden are the names of those two secretaries.

The political career of John F Kennedy

Being a womanizer and the youngest president of the USA, he could have a successful career.

The youngest president of the USA was able to have a successful political career. Though his inclination towards ladies was not hidden, it did not create a problem for Kennedy to concentrate on his political affairs.

His early career began with World War when he joined the US Navy.

Bravely fought and returned with injuries, Kennedy was the person to win the Corps Medal for Valor and the purple heart. When he returned, he began working as a journalist at the Hearst newspaper. In 1946, he won the election against the US congress.

He represented the Boston working class, which he was able to sustain for three years.

Kennedy was spontaneous about maintaining his foreign and domestic affairs. He was participating in the Cold war, of which Cuba was isolated with the naval blockades is judicious.

Despite being a womanizer, he was able to participate and maintain his power in his political life.

Marrying Jacqueline Kennedy, a twelve years younger woman, was also a part of his political benefits.

The assassination of the 35th The USA President

In 1963, Kennedy was preparing for his next electoral campaign. It was on November 22nd, on the way to Dallas with his wife.

Kennedy was not wearing bulletproof and was killed by Lee Oswald. A firing shot directly struck his head and neck and led him to spot dead. In front of the large crowd and security, he was a gun fired.

Being powerful and suffering from different political prospects, he had followers and enemies at the same time. His assassination is a controversial issue that remained unsolved.

Kennedy was a powerful leader and dedicated to his political career. But simultaneously was addicted to women.

His scandals relating to women were not treated as a major issue as he had already influenced as a country President.

According to the media, they did not find it necessary to cover up the personal scandals of Kennedy due to the expansion of his power. His earlier awards and honors had overthrown his other character of a womanizer.

Americans were interested in the issues of the mounting cold War with Cuba and Vietnam. His support for the federal to grow the civil rights movement is known to the entire Nation.



Krishna V Chaudhary
The History Magazine

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