What If World War III Knocks at The door?

What approach will you take to tackle it?

Krishna V Chaudhary
The History Magazine
5 min readJul 15, 2021


Nuclear bomb explosion | Image Source: Wikipedia

Wars and battles have remained the most crucial part of human history. Our history is full of wars and conflicts, irrespective of them being minor ones or major.

Now, I am talking about the most significant war, which hasn’t yet taken place but may happen in the future.

Yes, the third world war, which can be the most significant war ever in humankind's history.

We have read so much about world war I and world war II. But the third world war may be in a different form because of the advanced technologies, highly skilled troops, and better strategy.

Which country could be part of the third world war?

Since the second world war, the world has witnessed many wars such as the United States and Vietnam, the United States and Afghanistan, and dozens of other civil wars.

People are talking about the third world war for decades.

It almost started during the cold war between the United States and Russia in 1960, but thankfully both countries managed to avoid the third world war.

— The territory conflicts between countries such as India and Pakistan, India and China, China and Malaysia, Armenia and Azerbaijan.

— The seas conflict between some countries such as the USA and the South China Sea, even recently china ordered its army to ready for the war amid south china sea conflict.

— There can be a war over oil or metals. Oil remained the major issue among so many countries when Iran threatened the United States for war recently.

Who knows the next war can be for the water? The world already in shortage of freshwater.

And how would this war be fought?

These disputes or conflicts can cause a war, and the allies of both countries may take one side. This will lead to the formation of World War III.

Suppose we are not lucky enough to avoid the war next time. When might world war take place?

According to the disputes and conflicts mentioned above, it looks like the world war is at the doorstep. But it has a very lower chance of actually happening than you think.

We should understand that for a world war to happen; it will require the involvement of the entire world.

The structure of the entire world has been changed more since the second world war.

Countries are not the allies these days, as they were before because of globalization. Most of the countries do not want any dispute or conflict because of their trade. Advanced technology, atom, nuclear, and hydrogen bombs are also the main reasons many countries do not participate in any war.

Because the atom bomb which was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were very ineffective in front of today's advanced technology, the destruction will be much much much worse than the Hiroshima or Nagasaki.

Atomic bomb mushroom clouds over Hiroshima and Nagasaki | Image Source: Wikipedia

Most likely, millions of people or entire humanity will be wiped out. It will take decades or more to recover for any country — especially the damage caused by weapons and tools in countries.

Soldiers will be there on the ground with exoskeletons.

The war can be seen fighting may be in space instead of sky or water.

Countries may be fighting over weaponized satellites that could affect everything below the nations.

I think it looks like a scene of any sci-fi movie, but that's true.

Science has progressed itself to a different level. These weapons are too scary, so we hope no one witness the destruction of these potent modern weapons. And no country should require using those. These weapons are only for the biggest destruction on a larger scale.

As both the first and second world wars fought, the third world war could be completely different.

Who knows, there may not be any soldier on the battleground, and it is fighting over computers. Artificial intelligence will be a crucial weapon for most countries.

Drones and fully weaponized robots could be on the battleground.

There is also the chance of the power grid shut down.
Bio-weapon could also be used.

There is some assumption that the depletion of fresh water can be another reason for the war. The freshwater or underground water is such a scarce, valuable, and daily need of everyone; nations may start a fight over it.

While the second world war, Japan took decades to recover caused by nuclear bombs, and approx 100,000 people were killed.

Those nuclear bombs were pale in comparison to modern-day atomic bombs.

There are approx 14,000 nuclear warheads around the world. Most of them are held by America, Russia, China, and other countries.

Only one nuclear fall with all the resources and strategies on the opponent nation, and the game is over.

If one nation uses that, possibly other countries could start using them. Who knows when this could be stopped, as this will be nothing but the destruction of the entire planet.

There might be no one who could claim its win.

After world war III, the planet will never be the same. Pollution, global warming, and harmful gases will be released right after the war, possibly harming the remaining humanity.

Wars were terrible and still, they are terrible.

Soldiers and civilians — everyone will lose their life, wives will lose their husbands, kids will lose their fathers. Parents will lose their sons and daughters.

Wars can never establish peace.

If Humanity dies, then what?

World War II Montage | Image Source: Wikipedia

History is a witness in itself. The stupidity of some political leaders had lead to destruction always.

So it is a duty of everyone to choose wisely by selecting their leader by voting systems so that no other Hitler comes in power again.

We all have only one planet to reside on. So we all need to take care of this beautiful planet. Everyone should show love to this beautiful planet by planting trees where ever you are and when ever you can.



Krishna V Chaudhary
The History Magazine

10M+ Views | History Writer | 4x Top Writer | Quality over Quantity | Contact me: chaudharikrishna1@yahoo.com