Connecting Catalan Architects

By: Alex Volpi, Claire Brooks, and Kendall Williamson

I am Kendall Williamson and my partners on the P1 project are Alex Volpi and Claire Brooks.

We chose these architects initially because we were fascinated with the unique style of Gaudi, who is a world renowned architect. We were curious in who he may have inspired and how this inspiration played a role in their career as an architect. We searched and found Josep Sert, who was another well-known Spanish-born architect.

Our specific medium, which is prezi, was chosen because the physical pop-up book was not as feasible considering that we are all in different places. Prezi seemed like a great alternative and allowed for us to show our creativity and entertain the audience with movement and animations.

YouTube Video:

Prezi Link:

It is fascinating to see how designers inspire others and the impact it has on their work. This inspiration trickles down from one generation to the next.

Copyright © 2020 by Kendall Williamson, Claire Brooks, and Alex Volpi

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