I.M. Pei Pop-Up Book

By Mika Isayama, Leilani Tian, and Kaylie Mings

Hi everyone! We are designers Mika, Leilani, and Kaylie. We decided to create our “pop-up book” on I.M. Pei, a Chinese-American architect who is best known for building the Louvre in Paris. We were interested in not only his prolific, lengthy, and successful career, but also his philosophy of adapting design to its local surroundings. As an architect who traveled all around the world to work on different projects, Pei was sensitive to the cultural context for which he designed and incorporated elements that reflected the area so that the buildings also served a social function. In particular, we admired how he was able to harmonize culture and modernity by elegantly combining traditional and contemporary styles of design.

We used Prezi as our medium for 2 reasons. First, it made group collaboration easier and more efficient. Instead of having one member create a physical book on their own, we wanted all members to make equal contributions and work on it together. Second, Prezi gives us the options to either narrate the story in a specific order (like we did in the video) or allow the reader to click on the buildings in any order they like. The primary interaction is the flying on a plane to visit Pei’s projects, and zooming in and out on Prezi aids the storytelling of traveling around the world. Check out our Prezi presentation by clicking this link :) We hope you have a great journey!

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