P2 final — reuse poster

Hi, my name is Yesenia Ulloa and I am a junior studying Product Design. While I love creating new products, I also believe it is important to reuse products by repurposing older products so to reduce waste and environmental degradation.

Design choices:

  • I wanted to focus my ‘reuse’ value on a common product to show how easy it is to find another purpose for something you may have otherwise thrown away. So, I chose a strawberry jam jar.
  • I used Illustrator to combine a jar that had salad in it, with the label and top of the classic Smuckers jar. I did this because I wanted the strawberry jar to have a salad in it, to showcase it being used and drive the idea of reusing home. I also marked out the word ‘strawberry’ in the label and put salad to indicate that this wasn’t holding it’s original contents anymore.
  • I chose a yellow background because I thought it complimented the red color in the strawberries without being super distracting like my blue/purple gradient background was last time. I made the background half yellow to create contrast between the past ‘strawberry jam’ and the present ‘afternoon lunch’.
  • I used the phrasing ‘or your afternoon lunch?’ to make it a direct question to the audience and invite them to look at the contents of the jar and engage them.
  • I put a black trim border to freshen it up, it just seemed more official that way.
  • I used the smuckers font for the lettering to be consistent.
  • I included the jar shouting reuse me so that it would be clear what my message was, and personifying the jar is also pretty cute so people may look at their jars and think to themselves, ‘oh i don’t want to kill you’.

Learn more about ‘environmental purchases’ and reusing products:

