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The old white male patriarchy that exists has skewed history to show that the world was designed by white males. It is essential to understand that this worldview is inherently false; the world was designed by all kinds of people of all genders, races, sexual orientations, etc… African Americans especially have made large and important contributions to the world of design that have been shafted to the side of history, while their contributions really should be instead front and center. Industrial design involves a conglomeration of ideas and people coming together to create products that are greater than the sum of their individual parts and greater than the sum of its individual constituents.

This tendency to attribute design to a single genius person through the implementation of some divine inspiration is completely false. Design is a team effort, as was seen in the Eameses workshop. Every single person has a role to play and ideas to contribute and history should not simply remember the face man and instead celebrate the work done by multiple persons on one project. It certainly may be easier to defer to the star system and celebrate a single individual, but things that are easy are certainly not always correct.

