Welcome to Industrial Design

When comparing the two articles, they both very clearly seem to be aimed towards different audiences- one being white people and the second being a combination of all people, of all races. I find it interesting that the article titled “A Brief History of Industrial and Interaction Design,” talk solely about the works of white people, and for that reason, is most certainly “brief,” and, as a result, inaccurate. This article clearly hopes to attribute all things great and revolutionary to the white man, while the other article appears to be doing the exact opposite. While the statement, “Black People Invented Everything,” feels too broad of a generalization for myself, I can agree with a lot of statements that the author makes surrounding the creations, achievemnts, and influences of black people and culture, dating back thousands of years.

If I were to guess, the authors of Black People Invented Everything are targeting white people, in an attempt to bring awareness to the plentiful contributions that black people have made on society in most every field and subject. The assumptions seems to be that white people don’t already know the impact that black people have had on every facet of life and so the voice certainly feels strong, slightly and angry, and concise. In contrast, the authors voice in A Brief History of Industrial and Interaction Design feels more “matter-of fact,” biased, and boastful. I think this article is certainly lacking informational depth in comparison to the rich history that Black People Invented Everything provides, which certainly devalues and under appreciates the influences of other cultures and backgrounds, separate from that of the typical male American, on industrial design.

