12 Quotes That Will Inspire You to Start Capturing the Moments That Matter

Shanarae Goodwin
The History Project Collection
3 min readMar 12, 2016

I often enjoy seeing my friends’ posts on Throwback Thursday. It’s fun to get nostalgic about the past that brings back good memories. In fact, TBT dates back to 2003, before it was a meme on social media, when it was associated with anything considered vintage.

I pulled together 12 of my favorite quotes that remind me of the importance of our memories — why we should be collecting the stories of our life before the memories are lost.

We’re bombarded by a deluge of content every day, every time we go online. A few statistics that illustrate the enormity of what we share online:

4 out of every 10 social network users are sharing photos. Photo sharing is the #1 activity on Facebook and Google+ and the #2 activity on Twitter. (source: AdWeek SocialTimes)

We upload 300 million photos every day on Facebook. (source: Gizmodo)

We share more than 70 million photos and videos each day on Instagram. (source: Hootsuite)

Social media has become the way to share our lives with others as it’s happening. And it’s the emotional response that we get in return that keeps us sharing. Sharing our special moments online though quickly get buried and lost in the never-ending stream of user posts. And then where do those memories get stored and how do they get storied over your lifetime?

And it’s not just the photos we share online:

There are 4.75 billion pieces of content shared daily on Facebook. (source: Facebook)

An untold number of our physical artifacts, like our print photos, videos, and oral histories, are being lost from decay, destruction, and when we lose the family members who hold our family history stories.

It’s time for a digital slowdown.

It’s time to collect your memories of the moments that have mattered the most in your life.

It’s time to reflect on how your experiences have shaped the person who you have become today and who you strive to become in the future.

These 12 quotes have helped to give me inspiration to step back from the noise of everyday life to collect and reflect on my memories. I hope by passing these along they will help give you a little inspiration to do the same.



Shanarae Goodwin
The History Project Collection

I like a good story, long runs, and to eat plants. Follow me on Twitter @ShanaraeGoodwin.