24 clichés: NFL-speak revealed

The NFL is based on a cliché-driven economy. Here is what they really mean.

julian rogers
The Hit Job
4 min readAug 12, 2015


1. “We have good chemistry”

Receiver: “He throws the ball to me a lot.”

Quarterback: “He catches the ball when I throw it to him.” “He’s usually in the spot I expect him to be.”

2. “They have good chemistry”

Coach: “My job security is on these guys.”

3. “We are building chemistry.”

Player: “I hate training camp.”

4. “He’s a road grader.”

Coach: “We drafted a guy who cannot pass block.”

General Manager: “Our coaches cannot teach him to pass block.”

Quarterback: “He’s gonna get me killed.”

Running Back: “We need four more guys just like him.”

5. “He has a lot of potential.”

General Manager: “He’s about to get his coach fired.”

Veteran player: “No way this guy takes my job.”

6. “He’s a north/south runner.”

Coach: “He’s stiff but he does what he’s told.”

Rookie Player: “The sun rises in the north, right?”

7. “We have a next-man-up mentality.”

Coach: “You guys know how many injuries we’ve had, right?”

Player: “The new guy better not suck and make my job harder.”

8. “I trust coach to run his team.”

General Manager: “It’s on him if we fail.”

9. “It was a 50/50 ball.”

Coach: “He had one job to do.”

Quarterback: “He had one job to do.”

Receiver: “The pass was off-target.”

10. “He’s a veteran leader.”

Coach: “He has more influence over these guys than I do.”

Young player: “The dude is old and slow and he makes me carry his pads.”

11. “We believe in competition.”

Coach: “We have no more idea than you do about who’s going to start.”

Young player: “They told me I had a shot at starting.”

Veteran player: “They’re disrespecting me.”

12. “Give credit to the other guys. They played a helluva game.”

Losing coach: “Jes#* !(^%ing #@$^&!!!”

Winning coach: “We beat them worse than the score shows.”

Losing player: “Get that microphone out of my face.”

Winning player: “Now I’ll tell you what I really think.”

13. “We beat ourselves.”

Player: “We’re way better than them.”

Coach: “I told them and told them how to do it right.”

14. “This award isn’t about me.”

Player: “The trophy is coming home with me, not them.”

15. “They’re a great group of guys.”

Coach / player / General Manager: “I can’t remember their names.”

16. “It’s not how far you can throw it.”

Quarterback: “I can’t throw it very far.”

Coach: “If we had anybody better, we’d play him.”

17. “It’s a team sport.”

Coach: “We blew it.”

Player: “Not my fault.”

18. “The other guys get paid too.”

Player: “They’re better than us.”

Coach: “I haven’t looked at the film yet so I don’t know who to blame.”

19. “I’m disappointed in his off-field conduct.”

Coach: “I’m hoarse from yelling at him in my office.”

20. “He’s a field general.”

Coach: “I want you to think that he’s smart.”

Young player: “He keeps telling me what to do.”

Veteran player: “He cannot run to save his life.”

21. “It’s a business.”

Player: “I got / am gonna get mine, Jack.”

General Manager: “Do you have any idea how many of these headaches I’m dealing with?”

22. “The surgery was successful.”

Coach / General Manager: “He had surgery. He didn’t die.”

23. “We’re just glad he’s back.”

Coach about veteran player: “I might be able to keep my job for one more year.”

Coach about young player: “They just told me his name.”

General Manager: “His stunt just showed the rest of the team how to make my life living hell.”

24. “He makes plays.”

Coach: “I had to answer your question by saying something.”

Player: “That’s why he is paid more than I am.”

General Manager: “I’m a genius.”

