When My Little Girl Called A Big Guy A Pussy

Marshall Brickeen
The Hit Job
Published in
5 min readJan 30, 2017


And I was the designated adult

Not so funny when it happened. (Photo by Sarah Louise Kinsella on Unsplash)

I held Ricki’s little hand as we neared the stadium. I wasn’t worried about my eight-year-old’s safety. At a Stanford football game, the biggest threats were stains from a spilled pinot. Or maybe a shiraz. My wife had our six-year-old in tow far behind us.

I scanned the entrances for the shortest line. Ricki squeezed my hand and yelled in excitement.

“Dad! That guy’s a pussy!”

I looked down at my 50-pound daughter. She grinned and pointed her bony finger at a huge freshman guy. He easily had four inches and forty pounds on me. Big Guy’s face went blank; he had heard the news. So had his five friends.

“Dad! Did you hear me?” Ricki shouted.

She pointed up at his chest and laughed.

“That big guy is a PUSSY!”

The five friends collapsed in hysterics. Big Guy opened his mouth slowly but no words came out. He would forever be the big guy called a pussy by a little girl. It was now his nickname. For life.

“Ricki!” I snapped in my what-the-hell-just-happened voice.

“Well…” she pointed at one of his friends. “That’s what he said.”



Marshall Brickeen
The Hit Job

Helpless dad, amateur husband, responsibility denier.