The devil’s daycare

Welcome to Hell, kids — a daycare nightmare that will give any parent or grandparent chills

Julie C-W
The Hit Job
4 min readSep 20, 2018


Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

When I initially saw the story of the woman who tied children into car seats in her home daycare, it was just a blurb of a few paragraphs on one of our local news sites. It was enough to raise my hackles and pique my curiosity, because surely this has been over-exaggerated, right?

I did what I usually do when I read a micro-story locally and want more information; I went to my good friend Google and what I found was really bad.

Becky’s Home Child Care, photo courtesy

The link is above, so I won’t go into all the details. The article tells the story better than I can, simply because the author was able to remain neutral while writing about this atrocity. I can’t and don’t have to because this is an opinion piece.

That being said, I’m not even sure where to begin with this. Rebecca Anderson’s home daycare had rave reviews and had won awards, which I’m pretty sure must have endeared her to the parents of the kids placed in her care.

It wasn’t bad enough that she was doping the kids up with acetomenophin, aka Tylenol (which never actually had a sedative effect on any of my kids; it was used as a fever reducer, so this stumps me), but she tied them to plastic car seats, and then used “cotton shoelace-like ligatures” around their necks, tied to the back of the car seats to “limit their movements.”

This crazy hussy also admitted to leaving the babies in these seats for up to seven hours a day. SEVEN HOURS! She placed them in a darkened closet and bathroom and closed the doors. One grandmother had stated that her grandson would come home with diaper rashes. Well, no doubt, given the poor baby probably wasn’t even changed until it was time for pick up.

The same grandmother, who was interviewed here stated that there were some warning signs, but her grandson was a little boy and bumps and bruises were the norm for toddlers his age, and she didn’t want to be that grandmother. (As a side note? ALWAYS be THAT grandma/mom/dad/pop-pop! These babies are depending on us to keep them safe, happy and healthy!)

From the NBC link the same grandmother stated, “She said quirky behaviors stood out to her, like the fact Anderson didn’t allow multiple parents to pick up children at the same time and that Anderson didn’t allow the parents inside her home.” That, right there, would have been the number one bullshit flag for me as a parent or grandparent. If I’m not allowed to tour the facility or not let in for surprise visits? You can cool believe that my child/grandchild wouldn’t be going there.

No, I’m not blaming the grandma. Not even a bit.

This lunatic was licensed, and I took a screen shot of some of her reviews:

Screen shot from Google Reviews.

This all came to light when a concerned parent put a cam in his child’s car seat: “In the video recorded by the father of a 6-month-old, a hidden camera was attached to his son’s car seat, Anderson was seen yanking the child out of the seat by his ankle, feeding the boy an unknown substance through a syringe, and pulling him off the ground by a bib around his neck, according to an arrest warrant.” (Source: NBC News, link above.)

Rebecca Anderson, 60, photo credit NBC News.

Licensced, crazy Becky put all these kids’ lives in danger, and what’s even crazier than Becky, herself? The fact that she admitted it! “‘Anderson acknowledged to police that the way she handled the children was “outside of acceptable parental behavior” and “could result in death.’” (Again, NBC news article.)

Are you freaking kidding me?

As the grandmother of a three-year-old, this story freaks me out on so many levels!

I’m not a violent person by nature, but I have to give mad props to the father that recorded his child being picked up first by his ankle and then by his bib for not tearing her face off, himself. I don’t know that I would have been able to do the right, legal thing, had this been one of my babies. I’d more than likely be wearing orange and hanging out in the county jail on assault charges, or worse.

What say you?



Julie C-W
The Hit Job

Wife. Mom. Nana. Daughter. Sister. Photographer, wordsmith, lover of life and neither left nor right.