The Hit Job will also not be charging Hillary Clinton

The Clintons get a pass. This time.

julian rogers
The Hit Job
2 min readNov 22, 2016


Dear America:

After long and bigly discussions among my oldest family memb- … closest advisors, The editorial staff of The Hit Job have decided to announce today that we, too, will not be pursuing charges against Hillary Clinton. It is expressly for the purposes of helping her heal. They are nice people. We don’t want to hurt them.

It has nothing to do with the FBI concluding twice that there is nothing to charge her with.

That is all.

Actually, that is not all. It should be pointed out that we totally could charge them. Everyone agrees that we have the best, most tremendous reasons for charging Hillary Clinton with crimes that would put her in jail. There’s no problem there, believe me.

For many, this feels like a lost opportunity. I’m hearing that crooked Hillary should be in jail. People are saying this. But we’re not losers. We don’t lose and we don’t settle.

President-elect Trump has shown amazing leadership. Just tremendous, really. By refusing to settle multiple lawsuits alleging fraud at Trump University, only to quickly settle those lawsuits for yuge sums of money after the election, Donald Trump has demonstrated — again — how to win when the left, the establishment media, Washington, D.C. insiders and facts say you didn’t.

That takes guts. That takes courage. That’s leadership, folks.

And so, despite vowing to “lock her up” and smiling smugly as Trump rally attendees chanted the same, and stating to Hillary Clinton in a presidential debate mere days ago “you’d be in jail” if Trump were elected, we are shielded once again from Donald Trump becoming accidentally or intentionally moored to his own previous claim statements. We are relieved. Bigly.

We are happy to follow Donald Trump’s lead on this important issue. We look forward to reversing this and any other decisions in the future should they become more commercially or politically expedient.

Viva leadership! Or whatever the English word should be for that. We’ll fix it later.

© Julian Rogers

Also in The Hit Job

