“Baby GOP” cartoon makes fascism adorable again.

Sexy Hermit
The Hmmingbird
Published in
2 min readSep 26, 2019


Burbank, California, 9:48 a.m., 09/26/2019 –

A new cartoon series aimed at the milk-and-cookies set is safety-pinning its hopes on appealing to the next generation of Republican voters. Premiering this Saturday morning on Fox News is “Baby GOP,” an animated series about a group of toddlers navigating the perils of naptime, dirty diapers, and liberal agendas. “It’s time to raise up a new crop of conservative kids with the values the Republican party embraces,” said Suzanne Scott, CEO of Fox News. “And nothing indoctrinates kids better than Saturday morning cartoons. Well, and Fox News, of course.” Scott described the first episode, in which Hucky and Tucky, the show’s two protagonists, convince the other white babies to build a wall around their sandbox to keep out the brown stuffed animals. “It did really well with test audiences,” Scott crowed. “Even non-fascist parents couldn’t help but feel touched.” Future episodes of “Baby GOP” will deal with issues such as squirt gun rights, making sure boys and girls don’t go into each other’s potties and supporting a one-state solution for Israel. A full line of merchandise will accompany the show, featuring characters who are already proving to be breakout stars. “My favorite character is Lil’ Mitch,” said Christie Buckley, a stay-at-home mother of eight. “He’s just the cutest, with his big eyes, droopy cheeks, and wobbly, baritone voice. I just want to give him a big hug and a campaign donation.” This is a developing story.



Sexy Hermit
The Hmmingbird

It's about to get weird in here. UPDATE: Good weird. Not the JDV kind.