Biden and US Surgeon General announce WhereBabiesComeFrom.Gov site.

“We hope this site makes it clear to The People how it all… really . . . works, ya know?” US Surgeon General.

Sexy Hermit
The Hmmingbird


Photo by Taylor Sondgeroth on Unsplash

Washington, DC, July 5th, 7:31 AM

In the latest twist of the ongoing political saga, the Republican Party has launched a scathing attack on President Joe Biden’s newly established website, “” GOP leaders are now publicly stating that this initiative is nothing more than a calculated attempt to keep them chasing the so-called culture war while demanding that the President dismantle the website if he wants their support on student loan relief efforts. The partisan battle over priorities has reached a new level of absurdity.

Leading Republican figures wasted no time in denouncing the Biden administration’s latest venture. Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell, still on break for the holiday weekend, delivered a scorching rebuke from his yacht. He accused the President of intentionally stoking controversy and diverting attention from crucial policy issues. “It is clear that this website, possibly pornographic in my opinion, is nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to keep us engaged in a manufactured culture war while the Biden administration fails to address the real…

