Nation’s dads launch #MeThree movement

The Hmmingbird
Published in
1 min readOct 21, 2019

Cleghorn, Wisconsin, 10:27 a.m., 10/21/2019

Saying that appreciation for their brand of good, clean humor has been unfairly dismissed as “cheesy” and “corny,” the nation’s dads launched the #MeThree movement this week to raise awareness of their plight. “Yesterday at 2:30, my son just stared at me when I told him it must be time to go to the dentist,” said local father Charlie Miller. “Get it? 2:30? Tooth-hurty? When my dad used to tell that one, we’d all crack up. Today it gets is an eye roll, and that’s just wrong.”#MeThree-ers got a shot in the arm earlier this year with the success of the “Hi Hungry, I’m Dad” T-shirt, but Miller fears that it may be too little, too late. “I tried to meet my daughter halfway with one I just learned,” Miller said. “I told her that last night I had a dream that I weighed less than a thousandth of a gram – I was like, 0mg. Get it? Oh em gee? Like zero milligrams? Come on, you gotta admit that’s a good one.” As of press time, no one was admitting it was a good one. This is a developing story.

