Michael Wolff’s ‘Fire and Fury’ Diaries: What the Media Still Gets Wrong About Trump

The best-selling author and columnist’s end-run around Washington’s “bureaucracy media” caught lemming-like journalists (and the White House) unaware. Now, as the president implodes, the mainstream press continues to misreport reality because “everybody is desperate for their piece of Trump — and the opportunity is now!”

The Hollywood Reporter
The Hollywood Reporter


Michael Wolff. Photo: Juan Naharro Gimenez/Getty Images

By Michael Wolff

Donald Trump’s standard operating procedure of conflict, insults, reversals and dismissals — fire and fury, if you will — is still reported by the news media with breathless surprise. The most obvious man on Earth is yet, to the media, always astonishing. Whose fault is that? Covering a train wreck requires different skills from covering politics. But political reporters continue to apply the hyper-rationality of political life and its heightened sense of cause and effect to Trump and his White House. Power, in this view, necessarily has logic and purpose.

Earlier this year, The New York Times broke a story about how, in June, Trump tried to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller. True enough — except that the…



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