Exploring the Star Atlas Showroom: Little Secrets

The Hologram
Published in
5 min readJun 28, 2023
Outpost 39

Since the release of version 2.1 of the Star Atlas Showroom, curiosity and the desire to explore this wonderful Universe have only increased. Every day we see new incredible images from the community from every corner, searching for secrets in hidden places or simply showcasing the beauty that fascinates them about a setting or spaceship.

Gameplay is not yet in the spotlight as we are in the early stages where the foundations are being laid for what the future metaverse will be. It is truly beautiful to see how it is taking shape little by little, and we can catch glimpses of the first mechanics that will allow us to play within Star Atlas.

Experimental Mode

Experimental Mode (Main Menu)

Before venturing into exploration, we need to activate the experimental mode to gain access to content that is in earlier stages of development. These maps are unfinished but provide us with a glimpse of future releases that the team is working on. This new mode is a great addition to encourage all fans and add more content.

Even well-known maps like the main Showroom and the Dogfight have an experimental mode where we can venture further into previously unknown areas, giving us a broader perspective of the place and its purpose.

Experimental Mode (Showroom)

Another surprise is the characters that you can only see in this mode, appearing as silhouettes with small details like the lights on one of the Usturs and the helmet on the Punaab. If you’re familiar with the lore of Star Atlas, you’ll easily recognize which race each character belongs to. If not, I encourage you to explore the fascinating story that unfolds in this universe.

Ustur Avatar in Experimental Mode

Small Details

Transaction Notifications

In the small details, sometimes the most important things can be found. I’m not referring to the details of the ships, which are indeed impressive, but rather to the small notifications that occasionally pop up as signs in the lower-left corner of the screen. These notifications inform you about transactions related to the wallet associated with your account. Although not all of them are real transactions, this detail serves as a reminder that you are not in a typical session of any ordinary demo; you are experiencing the only game that utilizes blockchain as its foundation in real-time.


All games have an inventory for the character, and it’s something that cannot be overlooked. In the case of Star Atlas, it’s no exception, although this inventory is slightly different. When we play with our Avatar anywhere in the Showroom, we can press the I key to access our inventory and view the ships we have available in our wallet. We can also see the marketplace and any orders we have placed.

Avatar Character Inventory

However, if we use the same key to open the inventory while piloting a ship, we will encounter something very different.

Cargo Manifest

Pressing the I key will display a small panel next to the ship’s information, where we can see the Cargo Manifest. The data includes the name, quantity, and type. It is the first time we have contact with the cargo of our own ship, and perhaps it is an indication that we will soon be able to use it for different mechanics such as resource gathering.

Outpost 39

Outpost Central Building

This new area was a pleasant surprise for all of us. In it, we find a small outpost, and in the middle of the map, there is a massive structure that seems to be the focal point for operations and missions. Given the shape of these facilities, it appears to be a cargo processing building with the capacity to accommodate many ships. I can imagine different Guilds constructing these types of buildings near collection points on distant planets or as support for specific routes.

According to comments from the team, this area will be used for Easter egg hunts and testing new mechanics. In fact, in this map, we have the first search mission within the Star Atlas Showroom.

The Flower Hunt Game

Flower Hunt

The flower hunt is the hidden mission within Outpost 39. Until a few days ago, there were only rumors, but thanks to our favorite penguin ZeSKK, the secret within this new map was finally revealed. The mission is only activated in multiplayer mode with at least 4 players. An automatic notification appears, informing us of the start of this mission with a time limit of 15 minutes. The ultimate goal is to find 4 flowers within this time, which seems truly impossible due to the size of the map and the random positioning of the flowers. At the moment, we have no information regarding the existence of an NFT reward for finding the 4 flowers, but it is a possibility.

The Adventure Continues

Up to this point, I hope you find the data collected by this little Ustur explorer useful. Soon, we will have more valuable information to share from the corners of the metaverse. Perhaps next time, we’ll meet in the thrilling races on the new track and uncover the details that are not visible at first glance. Remember, nothing within Star Atlas is as simple as it seems.

About The Hologram

The Hologram is Star Atlas’ first and only independent news network. Our vision is to become the most trusted source of information about Star Atlas and a voice for the whole community. Readers can expect a high standard from our reporting and staff. Our promise to you: we will not publish anything that hasn’t been thoroughly researched and based on the best facts available.

The Hologram is not endorsed or paid by the Star Atlas team. Any information published by The Hologram nor its writers should be considered as informational in nature and does not constitute any financial advice.



The Hologram

I consider myself an enthusiastic entrepreneur of new technologies, lover of freedom of speech, financial freedom, and progress.