Rules for Staff Members of HNN

The Hologram
Published in
3 min readFeb 2, 2023


This a basic guideline that sets the rules and tone for writing at HNN

Rules for Staff Members of The Hologram

The Hologram is a trusted news source focused on Star Atlas and its community. Integrity, accuracy, and impartiality are our key values.

Below are some rules and guidelines for the staff when creating content. This section will be continually updated as new Star Atlas developments emerge.

Guild and DAC Affiliation

  • The Hologram welcomes all content creators in the community. It does not prohibit its staff from belonging to other DACs and guilds. In fact, we encourage it as a way to integrate with the community and to provide our readers with diverse perspectives.
  • When working in an official capacity at The Hologram it must be clear to the public that your guild affiliation does not impact your impartiality. We recommend temporarily changing any tags to [The Hologram] while on assignment.
  • You cannot let your guild affiliation affect your work. Again, neutrality is vital in upholding the public trust in The Hologram. Incidents will be addressed by the editorial staff.

Editor Role

  • Should, in good faith, make corrections to writer’s submitted work that pertain to spelling, grammar, format, and basic fact checking. If there is any dispute as to the accuracy of an article, Editors are encouraged to work with the writer in clarifying any issues.
  • Unresolved disputes will be reviewed by the Senior Editorial staff or Chief Editor.

Writer Role

  • Writers should strive to submit quality work. This includes proper spelling, grammar, and formatting.
  • When submitting an article, at a minimum, a Featured Image must be set.
  • When you are complete with an article, ping an Editor in the HNN Discord Medium Channel for review.
  • Include the HNN footer at the bottom of your articles. The approved footer is below:

About The Hologram

The Hologram is Star Atlas’ first and only independent news network. Our vision is to become the most trusted source of information about Star Atlas and a voice for the whole community. Readers can expect a high standard from our reporting and staff. Our promise to you: we will not publish anything that hasn’t been thoroughly researched and based on the best facts available.

The Hologram is not endorsed or paid by the Star Atlas team. Any information published by The Hologram nor its writers should be considered as informational in nature and does not constitute any financial advice.

At The Hologram, our job is to maintain a professional standard. This is critical for building our credibility as an organization. The below guide will give you tips on how to write great, readable, and understandable articles. Please give this a read through. No one is perfect, but we should all try to improve ourselves little by little.

Additional Guidelines:

Covering Star Atlas gameplay

  • Hologram staff members are encouraged to enjoy Star Atlas to the fullest. This includes participation in SAGE and UE5 activities.
  • You cannot write about any guild combat activities that involves a guild you belong to. For example, all SAGE combat events must be covered by a neutral third party. *
  • We define combat as the act of attacking or defending other ships, star bases, etc., or deploying a fleet with the intent of attacking, defending, or scouting.
  • We define neutrality in this instance as a party that did not directly or indirectly participate in combat activities.


To make sure The Hologram (HNN) is all buttoned up legally, we are asking all contributors to agree to a IP license for any content (“work”) created for The Hologram. Basically, you will still own your content. You are just allowing The Hologram to use it.

“Contributor grants to HNN a royalty-free, perpetual, non-exclusive, worldwide license to use the Work for HNN purposes. For any public use of the Work, HNN shall attribute the work to Contributor. The Work shall include all materials, concepts, strategies, ideas, business methods and processes, designs, logos, marks or names, drafts, work product and/or any other works of authorship. Contributor represents and warrants that the Work shall be original to Contributor and shall not violate the intellectual property or other rights of any third party.”

