SRL Launches New Logo Campaign

The Hologram
Published in
3 min readMar 29, 2022

UPDATED April 8 —

The Supernova Racing League has an updated announcement to their ongoing logo campaign:

As a reminder to everyone, the deadline for submissions for the next Supernova Racing League logo is midnight UTC on Saturday April 16th. Thank you to everyone that has submitted their amazing looking designs thus far. Don’t miss out on an opportunity to shape the future of this league!

The Supernova Racing League shared some of their current submissions with The Hologram.

In no particular order:

Submission #1


Submitted by DAOCaster

Submission #2

Arktype and MoonType Racing

Submitted by Arktype and MoonType Racing

Submission #3


Submitted by Icy

End Update

The Supernova Racing League, having been originally founded by members of Deep Profits, seek to elevate the organization onto the galactic level.

Supernova Racing League Current Logo

In preparation for the league redesign, members from the Supernova Racing League team released the official statement below:

The Supernova Racing League recognizes the importance of communal representation. At the time of initial founding, the idea was to create a Deep Profits racing team and roll that into the start of the SRL. As such, the very first logo was created using Deep Profits imagery. As the league quickly grew, it became apparent that the inclusion of the Deep Profits logo did not adequately represent the future of the Supernova Racing League.

Going forward, we would like to announce that Supernova Racing League’s new logo will come from its participants. We will officially open logo submissions and ideas from the league. At the conclusion of the submission window, final submissions will be presented to the league for selection in a poll like format. The Supernova Racing League’s new logo will ultimately be chosen by the community.

Each current team in the Supernova Racing League will be allowed any number of submissions. We want to promote creativity and avoid inhibiting numerous submissions. There is no minimum threshold for submission either. We encourage artists of all skill levels to submit a design for entry. Submissions will be submitted by team leaders or their chosen representative in the SRL discord. Send all submissions to CryptoSonic.

The deadline for submission is 16 April. This should give artists nearly three weeks to create a design. More details to come on final selection of SRL’s next league logo!

The current issue stems from the use of Deep Profits imagery within the SRL’s current logo. For those that are unfamiliar, the center red symbol is a derivative of the Deep Profits official guild logo. League participants questioned whether they would be subjected or subordinated to Deep Profits rules. To alleviate any current and future concern, the SRL decided a change in official logo was best. The existing current logo will become the official logo of the Deep Profits racing team under the overall Supernova Racing League Umbrella.

What will the new logo be?

With just over two weeks since the league’s inception, the Supernova Racing league has become wildly discussed on the international language stage. The SRL hosts a myriad of teams from Earth’s multiple language centers and the league currently sits at 23 teams.

The Supernova Racing League team is hard at work finalizing the league’s administrative structure and function. Already, there has been much excitement around when and where the league’s first official event will take place. Similar racing events have taken place through community polls or alternative game solutions. Whichever path the SRL decides to take, it’s sure to galvanize the Star Atlas community.

