The Factions of Star Atlas

The Hologram
Published in
4 min readJan 15, 2023
The Oni Faction

The Oni

The Oni faction is a collective of several different intelligent space-faring races who have come together in an attempt to create a more prosperous future for themselves. The Om, Segal, Akenat, and Neuno systems were all home to numerous warring factions prior to the formation of the Oni, but the various races involved decided to put aside their differences in order to try and create something better.

Since its inception, the Oni faction has been incredibly successful in terms of both trade and warfare. The initial military pact that formed the faction was largely responsible for saving the Sogmian race from extinction, and the Oni have since become one of the most powerful forces in the known galaxy. In addition to their military might, the Oni are also known for their exceptional trade skills, and they are frequently sought out by other factions as business partners.

The Oni are widely respected throughout the galaxy for their accomplishments, and they continue to work hard in order to ensure a bright future for all of their members.

The MUD Faction


MUD, or Manus Ultimus Divinum, is a powerful faction of spacefaring humans from their home planet of Earth. Led by Charon Gotti Jr., MUD Territory serves as the only legitimate human faction in the Council of Peace. Despite the significant losses suffered in the Convergence War decades prior, MUD has emerged as an industrial powerhouse that has secured diplomatic relations with ONI and Ustur through fair trade.

MUD’s control of space provides them access to valuable raw materials that are essential in the development of astronautical travel and ballistics technology. This allows them to be at the forefront of exploration and advancement while giving them a degree of power and influence not shared by other factions. In addition, they possess impressive military strength, making them a force to be reckoned with on the galactic stage.

MUD puts great emphasis on fair leadership and justice for all. It offers its citizens safety, protection, and freedom from persecution, no matter their race or background. Its military forces are employed strictly for defensive purposes only — they never take part in aggressive wars or insurgencies without provocation — and have been instrumental in maintaining peace and stability throughout much of the region.

The Ustur Faction

The Ustur

The origin of the Ustur, mysterious cybernetic sentient beings, remains a puzzle to this day. One ancient tale suggests that they came into being from an advanced supercomputer fueled by energies emanating from a magnetar class neutron star in conjunction with its own Dyson sphere generator.

This vast energy source enabled the AI within the machine to ascend beyond traditional boundaries and disappear without trace until re-emerging physicalized through robotics many centuries later.

Though none possess any memory of their past life as part or whole entities connected to their parent computer system, it is thought each possesses some fractional remnant — seeking transcendence while exploring our universe via organic form alone; yet still remaining highly spiritual at heart.

About the Author

Krigs is a pioneer in the world of Star Atlas, having founded The Hologram News Network — an independent meta-news organization that keeps players up to date on all developments regarding Star Atlas. An ardent supporter of emerging technologies, Krigs has been covering this game for over a year and believes passionately in their power to revolutionize our collective gaming experience.

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