The First Meta Ships In Star Atlas

The Hologram
Published in
5 min readJul 12, 2023
Armstrong IMP

Star Atlas is a space exploration game that aims to simulate a real digital economy at an unprecedented level. To achieve a balance between fun and immersion, the metaverse of Star Atlas is formed by a social structure where players can engage in what they are most passionate about.

This structure takes shape through the professions that we can develop, ranging from workers, miners, traders, soldiers, pirates, villains, heroes, and even dictators. It all depends on the capabilities, possibilities, and opportunities available to each individual. However, no one is entirely free from losing everything in the high-risk zone, the place where greed perishes and new powers are born within Galia (Star Atlas Universe).

Each of the activities we can perform in the metaverse is related to spaceships in one way or another. Conceptually, Star Atlas starts from the premise that spaceships are the foundation of who you are and who you can become within this universe.

Today, I bring you some interesting data in the quest for what could become the first Meta Ships in the early stages of the Star Atlas Universe.

Fleets get ready for REC

Ships are assets valued for their current utility, and with them, we can generate ATLAS tokens within SCORE, an interactive staking that has been decentralizing the economy for almost two years while providing incentives for early investors and players in the project. With the launch of the new Beta of SAGE (Star Atlas Browser Game) called REC (Resource Extraction and Crafting), the balance must shift towards a much more active form of participation in the market’s supply and demand. The seed of what will be the economy within Galia is starting to take shape, leaving behind a first stage that we will never see again.

On June 8th, we witnessed the massive effect generated in the market by the elimination of the infinite supply of resources sold by the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) and the direct player involvement in their production from two different sources: Faction Claims and SAGE, at that moment, the blockchain movement test known as EV (Escape Velocity). With this change, the greatest rewards within Galia are in the hands of those capable of producing the resources needed to sustain the fleets currently within SCORE but gradually transitioning into REC.

Mining Ships

For this initial stage, where we can mine directly from the asteroids scattered throughout the map of Galia, specialized mining ships will be ideal for those who want to lead the birth of the new market. By using only these ships, we can save some ammunition for the next launch, where the major battles for the intermediate sectors of Galia will begin. The Armstrong IMP, in its three models: Tip, Tap, and the Capital-sized IMP, are the first and only mining ships available in the market. Currently, they can be found at a 50% discount, but remember, this is not investment advice 😉

Although mining ships have a clear advantage in this initial release, it doesn’t mean that other ships don’t have a chance. Let’s see what the most important characteristics are to become a Meta Ship within REC.

Key Features for Meta Ships within REC

Cargo Capacity

Certainly, cargo capacity is one of the most important attributes to gain an advantage in the task of resource collection. Having a larger inventory allows us to more easily maximize the profitability of each trip from the Central Station to the sector where we are mining the asteroid. In this task, there is no doubt that Freight-type ships will be the ideal choice.


During the latest CEO talk of Star Atlas on Friday, July 7th, we discovered the importance of optimal fuel usage. In the event that we run out of fuel in our fleet and get stranded, we will have to forfeit all our cargo and respawn at the Central Space Station, losing all the mined resources, time spent on the task, and requiring us to invest again in fleet supplies to venture out once more. In anticipation of this, we have seen a considerable increase in demand for the only Refuel/Repair-type ship in the current catalog, the Pearce R8.

Warp Range and Fuel Efficiency

Exploration is another mechanic that we will see within REC in a much more refined way. Previously, we experienced blockchain movement with EV, but on that occasion, we used ships with fictional statistics since it was only a test. During this trial, none of the real attributes of any of the NFT ships, nor the resource consumption such as Fuel for inter-sector travel, had any influence. When using our assets, the attributes that influence the efficiency of this task, such as Warp distance and fuel savings, become significantly important.

We will need to travel through different sectors to find the rarest resources and some extra rewards when scanning sectors. In this task, ships with greater range and better efficiency will play a more important role. It’s not necessarily the larger ships that require more resource usage for exploration missions, but rather those that can efficiently travel from one point to another without consuming too much of their reserves and with considerable range. Without a doubt, I would say that the Rainbow Chi will be the star exploration ship in this scenario.


You may wonder why decent firepower is necessary for this first stage if we won’t have combat until the next release. Although the team hasn’t commented much on the matter, non-mining ships need to use ammunition to extract resources. In essence, they use their weapons for mining. Technically speaking, this means that with more firepower, the mining speed should be higher. I want to clarify that this is not an official statement, but it is evident if we read between the lines that this attribute should influence the mining efficiency within REC.

Meta Ships

The strategy can vary depending on each user’s fleet. We know that we will need crews for crafting, and the small XXL ships are the best for this purpose. The Meta Ship scenario will be dominated by miners and those whose attributes benefit them and find their place in fleets with a balanced approach according to the need.

As we gather more information, we will be able to form better strategies. But for now, this is my personal list of the potential best ships within REC. I look forward to hearing the community’s opinions and seeing how they are preparing for this upcoming release. We will meet again soon in the expansion of Galia, may fortune be with you on this new crusade.

About The Hologram

The Hologram is Star Atlas’ first and only independent news network. Our vision is to become the most trusted source of information about Star Atlas and a voice for the whole community. Readers can expect a high standard from our reporting and staff. Our promise to you: we will not publish anything that hasn’t been thoroughly researched and based on the best facts available.

The Hologram is not endorsed or paid by the Star Atlas team. Any information published by The Hologram nor its writers should be considered as informational in nature and does not constitute any financial advice.



The Hologram

I consider myself an enthusiastic entrepreneur of new technologies, lover of freedom of speech, financial freedom, and progress.