How To Marry a Green Beret

And survive

Patti Jo Amerein
The Homefront Evolution
4 min readDec 23, 2023


Photo property of author

My husband is a Green Beret and a 3rd Bat Army Ranger.

I don’t tell you this so you know about him. I tell you this so you know about me.

It takes balls to marry a man like this.

Twelve years ago, I found myself at a wedding alter for the second time — standing face-to-face with the most handsome man I’d ever seen, promising to love, honor, and cherish till death do us part.

And even though he had the nerve to suggest we use straw bales and tarps for our wedding reception tents, I said “I do.”

I was fresh out of a twenty-one year marriage, 45 years old, half out of my mind with menopausal delusions and hopelessly in love with a real-life superman.

NEVER had I met a man like him — strong, smart, introspective, capable, intense, and driven.

As cliché’ as it sounds, he literally swept me off my feet.

My first marriage was nothing like my current marriage. I lived, as some would say, the Life of Riley — very fancy and wanting nothing. It was a comfortable life, an easy life, a soft life.

And I was miserably unhappy.

Depressed, medicated, and longing for a change, I took a risk. A risk to start a new life with a chance of happiness, and a (little bit) of struggle.

When I met my husband, short of watching Rambo and playing with GI Joe’s, I had zero knowledge of elite forces. There was no thing or any person “military” in my life.

When he first told me he was a Security Contractor, I had to go home and look it up.

I was intrigued. I saw a different way of life in front of me. Curiosity and the draw of the unknown excited me. How could I resist?

I fell in love and life changed for me in a VERY different but good way.

I left my big, beautiful house in the city where I grew up, my friends, my family, and my memories, to move to an indiscreet hovel in the middle of a vast wheat field.

No internet. No cell service. No one to hear you scream.

My easy, soft life was replaced by the hard work of living an austere life in the country with no time for self pity.

And I was happy!

Twelve years later, I’m still happy. A bit tired — a bit “soldiered-up” — but very content, and very happy.

“All happiness depends on courage and work.” — Honoré de Balzac

Should you find yourself longing for a change and yearning for a challenge, you could climb Mount Everest— naked — or you could do like I did and marry a Green Beret.

However, if you choose to take this route (and not the easy “Mount Everest” route) let me share some advice with you.


  • Get used to the color green. Not the pretty kind of green, the drab khaki kind of green. It will be in your life. A lot.
  • Become accustomed to being prepared and having things “on-hand.” Never buy just one can of tuna fish, buy the whole flat because… you never know.
  • Don’t expect frilly, girly things for birthdays or Christmas. Practical gifts like sturdy boots, utility knife’s, e-tools, and woobies are considered a sign of love.
  • Know that “camping trips” will be less about relaxing and enjoying the outdoors, and more about practicing survival skills in the event of a solar flare or zombie uprising.
  • Be prepared to fight. Remember, these guys are fighters. They don’t back down easily, but stand your ground, and know that with a little tactical prowess (and often times food) they can be subdued.
  • Expect passion — not only in the bedroom, but in every part of life. Men like this take nothing lightly. Every thought is deeply contemplated, and every action is performed with survival in mind. Buckle up.
  • Know that life with this kind of man is an adventure. It isn’t easy, and it definitely isn’t always comfortable, but it is real! No fluff. No excuses. And no crying unless someone is actively trying to kill you.

And lastly….

Know that you will be loved!

You will be cared for and protected. And no one will cherish you more.

Us | Photo property of author

Love to you my reader friend, and all the men who have, and continue, to fight for us and protect us.

xo — Patti Jo

