Homeschool spaces are about giving the hard work of learning a helping hand.

Homeschool Space Realities

The truth about what you do and don’t need in your home learning space.

Marla Szwast
The Homeschool Nook
7 min readAug 16, 2020


Image Credit: By author

Kids can learn anywhere, but that doesn’t mean you don’t need an organized space dedicated to the hard work of learning. Homeschool spaces look different in every home and family. But there are a few common threads you can see within the beauty of variation..

Book Shelves

Even unschoolers, who may see no need for a dedicated schoolroom, still have shelves full of books. These might show up in one central location, but it is more likely that they are scattered throughout the house. Every homeschool needs books, and the more places books are temptingly scattered about, the more likely a kid is to pick up a book to read in their free time.

Yes, that is a giant ballet bar made out of PVC pipes in front of the bookshelves. These are our storage bookshelves. I put books that are currently being read on shelves, or in baskets, near each child’s workspace. (Pic by author.)

Other Shelves

Game & Puzzle Shelving — Pic by author



Marla Szwast
The Homeschool Nook

A mom who writes, in the cracks of time, between educating, chauffeuring and feeding half a dozen kids. Top writer in Parenting.