Masculine Displays of Confidence

There are two types of confidence, one that repels and one that attracts

The Honest Perspective


Image by Craig McLachlan on Unsplash

The cursor blinks on my screen, the steam has long since stopped rising from my cup of tea and if I don’t show signs of life soon my neighbour who walked past my window an hour ago may return and think me a mannequin. While my surface is still, my mind is anything but. I have been tasked to write with the theme of confidence. A simple word and an easy one to respond to for a short piece of writing, but then as I sat here, my thoughts strayed away from the predictability of self-confidence as a topic and instead fell into the wormhole of wondering why it is that confident people either repel or attract with seemingly little middle ground.

There are two sides to everything, and with this as accepted fact we have our starting point in which it is easy to separate confidence into positive and negative. There is a confidence that is arrogant and repels me. It barges its way into conversations, pushing its agenda and silences its critics with derision and distain.

And then there is a confidence that is so certain, so grounded in its truth, that it can listen to opposing opinions without feeling threatened, it can share space without having to change its shape and it has no need to shout because the truth has no need to…



The Honest Perspective

Writing on female experience, race, motherhood & self-development. Columnist at Green Parent magazine & Parenting Top Writer. Follow me on IG @adeola_moonsong.