Some Wounds Linger Forever

Making peace with the lingering emotional wounds that shape our humanity.

The Honest Perspective
5 min readJun 20, 2024


Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash

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Have you ever had a wound that just wouldn’t heal? An emotional gash so deep, so visceral, that time seemed to lose all meaning?

Some wounds burrow into our souls like parasites, feeding on our joy, our hope, and our wholeness. And try as we might to slap a Band-Aid over them, they persist, oozing through the cracks of our carefully constructed facades.

I know these lingering wounds all too well.

There was the time my high school crush utterly demolished my 16-year-old heart by showing up to prom with my worst frenemy. Youch! Although in hindsight, she did me a favor — that guy turned out to be a massive Nickelback fan. Crisis averted.

Then there was the harrowing experience of my first job out of college. I worked as an assistant for this megalomaniacal boss who would randomly quote Mussolini speeches in our meetings. He literally threw a stapler at my head once for using the wrong font size in a PowerPoint deck. I still have night terrors that Comic Sans is chasing me down a dark alley.



The Honest Perspective

Ex Investment Banker writing about Self Improvement, Spirituality, and Economy