Ten Ugly Myths About the Pretty Girl

What you don’t know about the pretty girl you love to hate.


Photo by Ivan Dodig on Unsplash

Everyone thinks the pretty girl has it all: looks, confidence, love, significance
 Here are ten things most people think about the prettiest girl in the room and why they’re wrong.

10. People assume she’s stupid. Especially if she’s blonde.

Everyone assumes the pretty blonde in the room is an idiot or, at the most, a secretary. Without fail.

If she’s beautiful and blonde, it’s not enough for her to have a degree and years of experience to be taken seriously. She’d better have a doctorate, speak multiple languages, and wear polyester pants. Otherwise, everyone thinks she slept her way to the top and will treat her as such.

Pretty girls can be smart and successful without using sex. People just don’t give her credit for having a brain.

9. Everyone thinks she’s dangerous. 💀

In the elevator at a hotel, walking down the street, or standing at the pulpit in church, men perceive the pretty girl as dangerous. Therefore they go one of two ways: they throw themselves at her or completely ignore her. There is no in-between.

Sure, some pretty girls are dangerous. But most pretty girls just want to be able to interact with people without the assumption she’s trying to seduce them.

8. Women assume the pretty girl wants their man, or vice-versa. 💔

Nobody questions it: the pretty girl is a threat. Even pretty girls think other pretty girls are a threat. And women always see the pretty girl as someone who can ruin their relationship, which gives them a good excuse to be mean.

Hey ladies, quit blaming the pretty girl. It takes two! Talk to your husband or boyfriend about flirting or gawking or asking for my number when you’re not looking! And if you have to talk to him about it more than once, ditch him. He’s cheating on you. He was probably the guy who pretended he was hard of hearing to have me whisper in his ear. True story.

7. Everyone assumes she knows she’s pretty.

Believe it or not, the pretty girl is insecure about the way she looks. It doesn’t matter how beautiful a woman is; she wonders if she’s pretty. She might carry herself with her head held high and walk like she owns the catwalk at a New York City runway show
she still wonders if she is really that attractive.

6. People assume the pretty girl is sick if she doesn’t wear makeup.

It’s so annoying. No, I’m not sick. I just don’t sleep in eyeliner and blush! Or maybe I was running late. Or perhaps, I had a bad day. Or sure, maybe I am sick
 How about you not pointing it out? Rude!

6. People act like the pretty girl will be pretty forever. The truth is she loses value as she gets old. đŸ‘”đŸ»

When she’s young, people hate her for being pretty and accuse her of leveraging her looks.

As she gets older, she has no value because people never got to know her because they assumed she was always leveraging her looks.

In other words, no matter how old she is, if she doesn’t keep her looks, she’s not valuable. And if she does manage to keep her looks, she’s still hated.

What’s worse, if she gets plastic surgery in an attempt to keep some sense of value, she’s vain. If she doesn’t get plastic surgery, she “looks so old.” Either way, she’s less significant.

4. People assume she’s a B*#%h.

Perhaps she is. Or, perhaps she’s afraid her kindness will be misinterpreted as flirting. đŸ˜” It seems like these days, if a pretty girl holds the door for a guy, he thinks she’s interested in sleeping with him.

It would be great if women could be kind without worrying about being stalked for making eye contact and smiling.

3. People assume she’s confident.

Actually, she’s afraid of anyone prettier than her. Pretty girls are intimidated by pretty girls. And that’s a problem because there is ALWAYS someone prettier.

2. Everyone assumes she’s too pretty for a man to cheat on her.

This is cap! No woman is too pretty for a man to cheat on her. Men of all shapes and sizes cheat. And women of all shapes and sizes are cheated on.

Therefore, be YOUtiful and fall in love with who you are. Then fall in love with a man who adores YOU for who you are, not how you look.

1. She has tons of friends.

The truth is, the pretty girl is lonely. She wants to be pretty, but she also wants to be valued for more than her looks. Does anyone truly see her?

It’s easy to hate the pretty girl. It seems like she has an easy life. Granted, in some ways, she does. People tell her she’s pretty, after all.

But give her a chance. Looks are deceiving, and the prettiest girl is often the most insecure and loneliest girl in the room. What she needs is a friend who loves her for who she is, not how she looks or doesn’t look.

After all, beauty is fleeting. I’m sure the pretty girl wonders what happens when it’s gone.



EmilyđŸŒ»Mingledorff aka Mamadorff Writes
The Honest Perspective

Christian freelancer, educator, traveler, mental health advocate, & blogger! Let's talk military-spouse-life, mom-life, &ministry. https://outsideofperfect.com/